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Cantin 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Cantin 1st MRB

  1. just a little tired with a NOT BORING teacher hehe
  2. ..good logic? haha
  3. Hell yeah go Pats go!!!
  4. yup, of course! ahah
  5. what r u doing?
  6. wow i love this video
  7. Awesome!
  8. keep on going!!
  9. mmmmmh this is gonna be a great match!!
  10. mmmm...not nice!
  11. WOW really nice video there maines!
  12. hahahahahah
  13. hollyy shit... normal lights would be okay!
  14. fucking awesome!
  15. Happy birthday dude!
  17. thats a big rockk!
  18. vote goes for Denis!
  19. there is some action!!!
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