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Cantin 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Cantin 1st MRB

  1. ur a woman thats why
  2. I lovemit!!
  3. I think u fucked it up urself
  4. Haha nice one
  5. Vous m'énervez tous avec vos langages étranges!! Moi aussi je suis capable mouhahaha
  6. totally....wait what?
  7. Nice smile janke haha
  9. just talking about Phi and Pit... Enjoy
  10. hahahah i just saw the "no unban for you"
  11. i tought we got hacked...lol
  12. the translator is terrible. So you need to do durok! wtf lol
  13. hahaha engle i love ur 1st one...true sroty
  14. not close enough.... kidding
  15. poor maines
  16. haha owned
  17. hahaah mckenzie
  18. what...the ...fuck
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