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About Bickford

  • Birthday 04/12/1987

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  1. Name: Cockluver69xD Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:40114984 Reasons for the Ban: A fellow unit member came and asked me to post this because i still have an account with you guys, 1st Lt. Flaskamp, he said that Cockluver69xD was trolling people, calling people the N word Recommended duration of ban: 1 week Demo Provided?: no
  2. that was actually pretty cool
  3. OMFG, watch the habunaro and icy hot one after
  4. yes, very
  5. so Ive came to conclusion that this is very degrading and should be removed from the forums and never be placed back up.
  6. During the game people where talking over each other, so it was hard for me to figure out who was saying the N word, when it started to happen again i started watching who was talking and say your name pop up for the time length to say that word, Ive warned the server several times to not say it because i wasn't sure who said it untell that moment and came to conclusion it was you, Ive put you on a 1 day ban. After I ban you, pubbers started to say it wasn't you it was truck driver, after truck driver left, people started to say it was bigmak. The pubbers where unsure on who it was, but Ive made my call, you now know the duration, and if you didn't say it and it was just bad timing on hitting your mic key I'm sorry, but i did make the call, it stopped after i ban you.
  7. i have it and ill be putting it on my computer later tonight
  8. Name: Dalton Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:62931 Reasons for the Ban: Before i started recording, he was killing axis from allied spawn who just ran out of axis spawn, started spectating, saw the whole thing, started recording, he then started to leave spawn after i he realized i went spec. Its hard to see but there are times he is lining up shots before coming around corners and shooting before he clears the corner and getting the kill, possible wall hacks. I have ban him for 1 day. Recommended duration of ban: perm if found guilty of hacks Demo Provided?: Link1, Link2
  9. i sent a message to steam support to explain how to locate the line so i can delete it so hopefully they will get back to me by Wednesday and i can get the minimap done and the map up and running again for everyone's pleasure
  10. Name: R. Bickford Rank: SSgt. Type of issue: Steam Brief Description of Issue: I finished my map and saved everything, then i closed hammer and played dod:s for a little bit and went back to hammer to make the minimap, i tryed to load the map to compile it and i got this error message: Out of memory loading solid. followed by: File c:\program files\steam\steamapps\(map name), line 183405: error 7 followed by: The instructions at "0x0f157034" referenced memory at "0x0f157034". The memory could not be "read". Click on OK to terminate the program I've tryed several times to get it working, i restarted steam, restarted my computer, and nothing has worked. The map was suppost to be released today but oviously there is some issues. please help me recover this map so we have another bad ass realism map to play on. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: (Researching, Pending Reply, Resolved, Unresolved) Main Technician: Supporting Technician:
  11. Name: Milkilito Steam I.D: 0:0:43701580 Reasons for the Ban: aim bot, rec moore and sgt. visca was present, spec person witness first hand, recorded demo, band him for 1 day, leaving judgment to CS Recommended duration of ban: perm Demo Provided?: demo
  12. totally not fair, im on LOA, lol
  13. happy birthday
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