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Everything posted by Bickford

  1. Ive dated another red head, fucking psycho on me, blonds acted to much like a child, brunets i found are the best fit for me
  2. lol, you fucking pecker, ill kill you
  3. happy birthday, now go get smashed
  4. **smacks head against desk**
  5. you would watch this stone, lol
  6. just one more peace of tech that a lot of us cant afford, and the people who can, dont need it, how hard is it just to write on a calendar, or put a memo in your phone with an alarm attached to it
  7. i need to get back into playing this game again, i havent played in a while
  8. baker for falling for the april fools joke
  9. yup, all from today
  10. please dont be too critical, and some FYI: some of the skins ive made myself.
  11. theres one close enough, its called carentan
  12. no you fail on your signature get rid of the center things
  13. "GOD DAM IT, I HIT THE WRONG BUTTON!!!" "you dont know how to use portals" "you dont know how live for more then five seconds" ROFLMAO
  14. looks like a kukri without the handle
  15. MG42 striped down to be a port gun
  16. lol thanks brown, if anyone from the quatermaster sees it, i want it as a spray please!!!
  17. oviously you have never worked with SF
  18. besa machingun
  19. sorry no pic "realism going on? fuck, im at work, my life sucks"
  20. i watched it on netflix and its crazy, and missions are like that too, its really hair raising
  21. lol the door was chasing him
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