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Everything posted by Bickford

  1. if i came across this fucking thing, that would be the only time you hear me scream like a little bitch, lol, i hate spiders
  2. ROFLAMO!!!! i have never seen those old spice ones before, OMFG they funny as hell, ill be laughing all day at random because of that.
  3. the last one is funny as hell:
  4. like a boss:
  5. half of it is, the other half, i just found on google and thought it looked neat
  6. umm... yeah ever since ive been off work, jack and coke, with coors light, all fucking day long since 320 pm MST
  7. Congratz to all who got promoted, and good god there where a lot. Congratz to all 1st MRB members, lets keep up the hard work and become the number 1 realism unit out there
  8. congratz, heres your prize, hey whats that?-----------------------------------------------> **kick in the balls*
  9. so this is open for everyone, as you guys may know already ive been learning on my own on how to make maps. well ive ran out of ideas for logical maps. So im turning to you guys, my fellow members, if you guys have had an idea for a map thats been your small brain of yours for a long time, send me the idea with what you want. screen shots of other maps with props or wall textures that you want, hand made drawings, digital drawings, i dont give a rats ass, just send me the idea and ill see what i can do. I am currently working on a realism map, to give you a basic idea of it, its a battle ship from WWII, and its abut as long as 2 football fields put together, for you euros- its as big as 2 and half "football" fields long and just as wide. But if you got an idea like in CS they have CS_RATS. i can make kind of the same thing, except call it DOD_COCKROACH, lol, it dosnt matter, just shoot me an idea and ill see what i can do. When i start the work on the map i will send you a private message letting you know i have started and when i am done with it, ill post it in the ordnance office. P.S. no dicks or vagina maps, magoo has already asked me. i can make them but im not going to waist my time with making a map that will never see the light of day.
  10. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! BROWN WINS!!!!!! awesome video dude, keep it up
  11. Hwacha- mythbusters did a special on this
  12. good chance too, i just looked at a pic of a coach gun strong resemblince
  13. ITS A "ELEPHANT GUN" not a double barrel shotgun, the barrel size gave it away
  14. dam you sousa lol, nice guess, would have taken me like 2-3 more hours before i could have figured it out
  15. can i get a hint? like a time period that it was in production
  16. i dont know, im stumped on this one, i want to say its either an H&K pistol or a Glock type
  17. Name: Blackety Steam I.D: 0:14117858 Reasons for the Ban: TKing in spawn, has been warned several times, and still continued to do so Recommended duration of ban: 1 week Demo Provided?: No, but Pvt. Holland, Pfc. Gardner where currently in server and informed me of it, warned him and continued to TK was -5 before he left
  18. yes and im kind of a weapons nut
  19. i would most def add those, i would drive all the way from colorado to use those pissers
  20. 11mm pinfire, 6 shots, double and single action mechanism; 4 7/8-inch partially octagonal barrel integral with 9-inch clipped point Bowie style blade; left side of barrel/blade at breech stamped DUMONTHIER/B.S.C.D.C.; opposite side stamped 2991; lion head motif and F within square stamped on cylinder periphery. Bag-shaped horn grip; steel finial at butt with steel lanyard ring. Leather scabbard with steel mounts, including ball finial to tip; appears to be basic cleaning rod secured within tube on obverse surface of throat; frog at reverse. Condition: Fine. Gray patina overall; light pitting; minor wormholes in grip. Matching scabbard, light wear and minor pitting. Estimate: $8000 - $12000
  21. Ted Kaczynski's Homemade Gun
  22. ??? ok? that was completely random
  23. is he jacking off while doing this? cause he keeps jerking back and forth just a little bit
  24. just a question? but why colored crab cakes?
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