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Everything posted by Bickford

  1. maybe if the head was ripped off, jk, ill think about it, come up with some ideas and then like i said when i have free time from unit work and real life, ill see what i can do
  2. no reply to message for map: crab cake MAP DENIED
  3. when i try to go full scale with the map, it dosnt show up, but when i get home tonight ill give that command a try
  4. Name: R. Bickford Rank: Sgt. Type of issue: steam Brief Description of Issue: for some reason when i input 2 codes in my consel that marsden gave me, it got rid of my minimaps, do i have to redownload the minimaps or is it a code error that is simple to fix with the consel ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: Pvt. A. Rather Supporting Technician:
  5. lol, it still runs DOD:S and everything i use it for faster then my step moms computer, thats the funny part
  6. sorry grant but i second mcdowell, ill try to make it up to you. in my free time when im not working on a map for the unit, ill make a crab cake enthusiast map and post it on game banana
  7. This web site is the exact laptop that i have, granted i purchised it like 5 years ago, it still runs better then any computer that i have been on besides my desktop. let me know what you guys think of my desktop and laptop Laptop: http://www.notebookreview.com/default.asp?newsID=2887 Desktop: http://uniquegem.blogspot.com/2010/07/ibuy...ful-gaming.html
  8. lol i might have to go find and download it
  9. so just saw that Wells is re-enlisting and from what i have heard about her is that she was a great person in the 1st MRB and was a member for quite a while, so personaly i think its great that we are having someone who was in the unit for a long time, so even though her re-enlistment is pendig, (not saying its approved or trying to step on anyones feet here), i would like to say "welcome back, now get in there and fight"
  10. i completly agree, i have lived, fought, and watched my buddys die in my arms, and weighs heavy over my head everyday that goes by, ive gotten better and over most of it, but when i drink thats when its the heavest.
  11. when you get in a fire fight, you dont think of what your doing, the training takes over and before you realize it your just doing things on your own because of the training. getting shot at isnt bad or that terrifying. getting blown up IS terrifying. When i was in my first firefight, yes i was scared, but all the ones after that i wasnt, every IED the blew up on me was terrifying.
  12. reminds me of the fun days in my life. god i miss them sometimes, and im being serious
  13. Name: tecshack Steam I.D: 0:1:11580369 Reasons for the Ban: 2 TK, warned then he left with no sorry after TK's Recommended duration of ban: 2 weeks Demo Provided?: No, sarsons, panda, fuji where present at the time
  14. o yeah its my day: also happy birthday yanderson and luna
  15. lol my step mom sent a custom birthday cake to my work, its in a shape and looks like a hamburger, ill post pics later of it
  16. Bickford


    your just now realizing it?
  17. ROFLMAO!!!! i still cant stop, lol, o god it hurts from laughing so hard, lol
  18. lol
  19. my head boss is going to be on friday so i wont be able to be on forums untell i get off work or he leaves. I hate it because i like to keep updated on everything
  20. have you tested the map to make sure the textures work? or are you just going off the screen shots?
  21. when i get on later tonight if you see me, remind me that they are not working and ill walk you through it
  22. wow, how did the other team even score a single point with such poor team play.
  23. this is a link to gamebanana.com. i was browsing yesterday and found this flag skin, so enjoy Link: PRETTY crab cake FLAGS
  24. hey, its your birthday, so tell everyone to go F them selfs, its your day, not theyres. thats what i do, at least, after i get drunk. happy birthday dude
  25. he dose, you just dont want to give it to him in a realism, he might shoot you in the back, or kill him self lol
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