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Everything posted by Bickford

  1. as you all may know, i have been working on a map, it will be done tonight and ready for testing in about a week, but first i want to make a video of the map to give you guys a basic insight on the map, but i need some votes on music that i have selected for the video. if you guys want to, please let me know what you guys think is best for the video, and please no suggestions on other songs then these, just post a reply saying the band and song, thank you:
  2. Bickford


    you havent had any positive post for a MMORPG, if did then i missed it, but from what i can see you havent, so i was just giving a suggestion
  3. to everyone who wants a pic, make the sandwitch and take the pic your self lol
  4. no, lol, i was already signed up to go to RIPP, but the unit i was assigned to was getting deplyed in 2 months, and they asked me if i want to deploy with my unit or go through ranger school and join my unit for the deployment, i went and got deployed instead
  5. you can add spicy mustard though right? if you dont want to add the peppers
  6. Bickford


    well maybe you should stop playing MMORPGs, cause it sounds like your not the type to want to play those type of games
  7. When i was trying to get into Ranger school in the army i found this video one day on youtube,
  8. **yawn** a winery??? why not go out and do something, like me, im getting drunk and bungi jumping, lol talk about HOLY SHIT!!!
  9. you cant put your first shot down twice, unless you throw up
  10. get drunk and jump off a bridge, yyyeeeerrrrr, 689 feet of pure AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!! then.... oops i pooped myself
  11. Bickford


    what MOS are you waiting to take? i want to take the sniper and the MG MOS again very challenging
  12. great, shrooms in the amazon, that would be awesome way to die lol
  13. i wouldnt trust you with plastic saftey scissors, lol
  14. happy birthday capt
  15. congratz, one more year closer to the end
  16. one more useless info noted in my tiny brain, lol
  17. was that jim carry before he started acting? lol
  18. ok, thank you maj for the info
  19. im just wondering where i can find the motion pics like what magoo has for personal photo and signature
  20. do you say your first name or last name?
  21. xbox CSR right?
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