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Everything posted by Bickford

  1. lol
  2. 5....5 dollar.......5 dollar foot long!!!!
  3. well i just read up on how to do things, like right now im reading on how to make maps for my big plan
  4. ROFLMAO!!!! "go get your mom" lol lol lol ....i cant breath lol
  5. LOL yesterday Maj. parker had everyone moving everything that was movable in to axis field entrance on donner, then he got in the middle of it and got stuck, later befor the realism he had everyone fire theyre rifle gernades into the pill and all the stuff went flying every where, earlyer on the map i was trying to help him move the cabnet in the tank house and we got it all the way to the broken wall and was ready to push it out, it fell over and i said that was not me, he sate there for a second, i jumped out the hole and then he shot me in the face and started to move it again lol
  6. iiii O_i i do l l l l
  7. 2ndLt. Jones, Challenge, standerd rules, map kolch, i cant challenge you in a realism, so might as well do it in 1v1 match. time would have to be sun mar 4th at 5am EST witch will be 3am my time and almost afternoon your time. no incentives, just glory lol
  8. nither do i, but my radio was stuck on a country station on sat, and that song played like 6 times that day, so its stuck in my head, but i figured people can post pic's of them drinking at a party or something with them holding a red solo cup nither do i, but my radio was stuck on a country station on sat, and that song played like 6 times that day, so its stuck in my head, but i figured people can post pic's of them drinking at a party or something with them holding a red solo cup
  9. as Toby Keith said:
  10. i will never be the same, im tramatized for life
  11. im wearing tighty whitys and im smuggeling plumbs.... where you want to go?
  12. i just smoke on my breaks just to pass the time, even though i get 15 min, i only use 8 for smoking, then i use the rest to BS, same thing with lunch, 10 mins to eat and smoke then the 20 mins to BS
  13. to give people an idea of it, BAD ASS!!!, its like fall out turned MMO, level up your guy and make him a bad ass, options of 3rd person or FPS, you also get a horse for a mount to get around in the world on your second mission after your rebirth. you get to harvest minerals, plants, and skinning. you get to make weapons, ammo, armor, and bandages, later on you get a motor cycle for a mount to get around on. I highly suggest this game, o and by the way did i say its FREE. get off your steam store.
  14. give me a couple of good reason's why i should play and ill think about down loading it
  15. big pimpin
  16. na, that dont fit me, maybe unit asshole tell the end of time, that sounds better lol
  17. they still are, but personaly, it just seems like they where redone by people who smoke too much weed or something, freaking drugies
  18. nvm i just didnt read the beginning part that had your name player name in it
  19. well it helps if you put player name....
  20. just add me to your friends list and ill be on tonight to upgrade and work on my tier 3 german arty squirly1987
  21. just a place where you can put your WoT player name mine is: squirly1987 add each other and in the words of Mils Layen " I want good clean fight, LETS GET IT ON"
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