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Everything posted by Bickford

  1. good tip, thanks sir! and ill use it tonight when i get on tonight
  2. hey denis, any tips on being arty? im done using my russian AT right now and working on my german arty, so when in the arty veiw where on the tank should i try to hit? i try to aim for the hatch on the turret
  3. DAM YOU THOMAS!!!! i hate you so much, you got me addicted to fucking WoT
  4. how about mindcraft as a gift...to me? lol
  5. im actually surprised, i do like the game, even though im being cheap, im doing arty because of the computer being gay and laggy in the game
  6. i want to order 2 of what ever he is taking, lol
  7. i agree with the dad on that, if my daughter ever did something like that, i would just shoot it, i would set it on fire then blow it up
  8. dam, in less then 3 weeks ive gone from 67 post to 211, NNNNNNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOO IM A SPAMMER!!!
  9. hey i think that was my ex wife lol
  10. richards, id just give up man, you aint going to win this one
  11. I didn't know there were exceptions to your statement, if that were so you should have added "excluding finish the sentence topics" but you might as well be saying "not including my dumb posts." Then I'll refer you to Exhibit B: QUOTE (S. Richards 1st MRB @ Jan 19 2012, 01:13 AM) I find this hard to masturbate to. OOOOOOOO.... BURN
  12. lol a goal to be a spammer
  13. do we have to say more lol jk
  14. agreed
  15. yeah its more of a joke then wanting to play, ive thought about down loading it, but i think it will turn out like battle grounds, hardly anyone playing it and i like populated servers, but like no one plays the game, i mean a t-rex with MG's? really? how much crack did the creater smoke?
  16. IVE BEEN IN LOVE WITH C&C since it first came out, I know what im doing after work, lol and no its not jacking off dam it, i do that at night lol
  17. found this photo online could not stop laughing and wanted to share it with everyone
  18. my glock is better lol
  19. cant wait for it dude
  20. busted, nice pubic hair on, wait thats peach fuzz lol
  21. finally found you lol
  22. for the guys: this is just funny as hell:
  23. youtube, and it was a music video dvd that i had when i was deployed to iraq with a bunch of others that i can post if you want to see them, here ill post 2 more, the first one is for the guys, the second one is just funny as hell
  24. i saw you where on the forums and i was like "o shit, im never going to hear the end of it, but it will be worth it because its funny" well it back fired on me, thanks cast lol
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