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Everything posted by Bickford

  1. yes, i saw them in concert when they came to colorado springs, colorado at the black sheep, they are actually a good band, i just didnt like the lead guitar, he try's too hard to be marylin manson
  2. jk we all love you lol
  3. i see no one is watching theyre sector, complacency kills
  4. gio, just a little help here, pants dont need to be that tight dude, i mean can you even feel youre balls?
  5. what do you do? fermint it first?
  6. o shit, just wait tell i get home ill have so many receipes up here, you will start to get fat lol
  7. Bickford


    hhhhhssssssss..... ***SPLAT***
  8. im at work just sitting here, then all of a sudden it started to smell like pineapple's, i started to look around could not find anyone eating them around me. i cant figure out why it smells like pineapple's, now i fucking want some dam it lol, anyways thought i would share that story.
  9. vulbeat- warriors call its song about a boxer but its bad ass on the beat, and if you listen to it, it dosent sound like its about a boxer, it just sounds like its about past and present warriors theres also this canadian band, birthday massacre
  10. love the show The Pacific, 10/10
  11. **smacks forehead**
  12. no, i can just see where it was going to go and im not going to let trolling go on so being an NCO, im stoping it
  13. Bickford


    you know i love snakes but i just dont like to hold them, i can site next to one or have one on my lap, but put in my hands and i will freak out, dont know why that is, its the same thing with spiders
  14. done with this topic
  15. go study... and walts, i get payed to take phone calls all day, not spell
  16. Bickford


    a sharpa mixed with a pitbull, looks so perrty, ill post a pic later
  17. so many movies where she is naked in them, the one i like is colt .45
  18. lol no im not pisset, it dose take a lot to piss me off, but youre good man lol
  19. its not a doll, its a kid, but yeah im just a kind of creepy guy in general, i like things like that, but not no fucking emo, i dislike them, if you want to die then go fucking kill your self already, tired of them, and no im not a goth either, im a metal head, love heavy metal if you cant tell by the music i post, but yeah heres some pics too if you dont belive me http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=528...amp;ref=tn_tnmn
  20. ok how about this new one, 9/10 only because you make my sigs
  21. truth be told though i perfur mountain dew, and coolers light
  22. youre right, i punch people in the face lol
  23. ok??? i dont get it
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