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Everything posted by Bickford

  1. done it street raced and lost controle, plowed right in a mcdonalds ( spent 6 months in jail)
  2. want to do it, jumped out of a C-17 in full combat gear
  3. no just castrate the old brown, the 1stSgt. T. Brown, the young ones are too young to infect the world
  4. lol, when i played WoW he was easy to kill... not tying to point anything out brown, *wink wink*
  5. never done it, driven my motorcycle over 120 MPH and hit a deer, nothing happend to the bike
  6. who has van helsing number, we need him......
  7. Just realizing this, but, WE HAVE TOOOOOO MANY BROWNS!!! lol
  8. i just need a holo warturtle and ill have all the origienal 151 holo's, worth over $46,000 US
  9. 3 things may happen, 1. puke tell no tomarrow, 2. shit your brains out, or 3. parker gets your bike ( 6 feet under)
  10. worth laughing at work
  11. happy birthday man
  12. no, i just lost interest
  13. i agree anderson, and grant lol, umm... no. its funny how you try so hard to make change my mind, i was trying to be funny but failed at it, but yeah good luck on trying to convert me. there has only been 1 person and 1 group who has been able to make do as they say, and thats my mom, and the army. other then that, fuck off on trying to convert me. you my friend get the one finger salute...... so here you go
  14. O GOD..... CANT.... TAKE THIS.... ANYMORE........ TO MUCH....... CUTENESS...... ahhh, feel much better now.
  15. you where saying?
  16. yup def parkers room, lol ooooooo, a spamming we will go, a spamming we will go, hi ho a dariy o, a spamming we will go.
  17. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!! you think its over but its not. its far from over.
  18. lets see, how did you put it................ o yeah....... THATS NOT A G4 crab cake the art is cool though, im big fan of art, but dont let that go to your head
  19. never said they did gris, but someone hated the idea of non christian, so they waned them dead, and kirk, thats too much to read. This is a war ground, not a grammer or what ever you want to call it, lol
  20. if you read it correctly, i see a hate in there, the part where you said "GO TO THE MIDDLE EAST AND KILL ANYONE THAT WASN'T CHRISTIAN." they hated anyone who wasnt christian, they hated they're belife. Next war?
  21. i will admit, the art is kind of neat how they do it, but im still not agreeing with the violence not equal to hate, good example, WWII, we did not get in the war untell we got attacked, we HATED the people for doing it, they provoked violence, we respawn with entering the war. Every WWII movie that we watch, you can hear people saying hate full things to the enemy, HATE!!!! try to tell me that wars are not based of hate and people dont get into wars because of not hate, just try, it wont work. Now I understand you have school so previous statement about not respawnding is invalid. School comes first, go study and good luck on what ever schooling you have.
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