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Everything posted by Bickford

  1. its funny, the war started with this, lol way to go takel
  2. Bickford


    wtf is a CSgt??? i dont speak JROTC
  3. no reply? if i dont get a reply by the end of the day tomarrow from GRANT, then i will take that as a sign of surrender and i will claim victory. death to the crab cakes
  4. *BUMP*
  5. heres the thing, i was planning on saving this for later, but i figured now is the best time to bring this up. crab cakes with swords, and guns that say love and tolerate. well guns and swords are symbols of violence, violence is also caused by hate, hate opens up to anger, anger is also a form of hate, and they always lead to war. Now a days we fight wars with guns, back in the mid-evil days, it was swords, so crab cakes go against what they stand for.
  6. LOL!!!!, in the last video, the security guys is the company i use to work for, i just found that funny
  7. lol i was trying to refrain from saying it and out of respect i still wont talk about it, but god dam thats funny
  8. LOL!!!!!! go parker, ROFLMAO!!!!!
  9. yup destroyed mind for life now, thx
  10. nope, this is:
  11. too bad we cant get that to pop up every time we ban someone, kind of like a virus
  12. a drunk wells? o god save us all
  13. g1-g4, who cares, they are all fruity crab cakes, and all need to dye, why do you think they keep making new ones? because the old ones died and no one liked them. thats the way its going to end up with the "G4" crab cakes
  14. LOOK, THE crab cakeS, THEY ARE STARTING TO HATE LIFE!!!! YES!!!! dont fall in with the emo crab cakes, and remember crab cakes, its down the road, not across the street
  15. happy birthday man
  16. all you have to do is suck it up and keep pushing your self through it. all the military training is, is just a mind fuck. Theyre job is to either make you or brake you. just keep that in mind when you go
  17. good thing you dont hear the safety brief while deployed at a major camp, "dont walk around at night by your self, there has been cases where men have been raped, and not by women."
  18. take this stuff twice a day for 2-3 days, youll feel awesome after words, i take it everytime i get sick and i have had the same issue as you
  19. always asian kids, ever noticed that?
  20. OMFG LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!! love it dude, i really liked the whole thing of brown going YERRRR at the end
  21. The overview_alpha 1 worked the 2 codes i belive where: overview_name 1, overview_health 1
  22. hey man happy birthday and i hope you have a good one.
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