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BluZooka BAR

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About BluZooka BAR

  • Birthday 05/22/1972

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    south florida

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Forum Amateur

Forum Amateur (13/91)



  1. Name: D.Bagrov Steam ID: [U:1:420320337] Reason For Ban: Aimboting witnessed by myself and SSgt. P. O'Hare [1st MRB] Duration: recommend Perm. currently 7days Demo: yes http://www.mediafire.com/file/q6kvedmafaveyll/D.bagrov.dem
  2. Name: (RSG)[Pudge The Butcher] Steam ID: [u:1:244340249] Reason for Ban: Massive TKs (upon entering the server i was pounced upon to deal with this player who was -31 Many regulars warned him and he laughed about it. in the short time it took to ban via menu He was -37) Duration: currently 7days, recomend same as TK's Demo: na http://1stmarineraiders.gameme.com/playerinfo/199130
  3. in trying to deal with a TKer i P banned thor by mistake. the person left before i got to him. it was meant for @@@@@AMAIR@@@@ belive his name was Sorry Thor
  4. Name: "黄金牙" Steam ID: [u:1:81923334] Reason for ban" TK, team wound, in spawn, did not want to stop, not a new player Duration: 60 Days Demo: na
  5. Name: "KittyCat is here!!" AKA hellboy, God is here to teach you Steam ID: [u:1:41948788] Reason for Ban: Massive TK team wound, leaving, then coming back and repeating Duration: perm, this was blatant and not a new player Demo: na
  6. see "Ban Review" below for more on the same person
  7. ive got 3 demo's along with SSgt. P. O'Hare [1st MRB] as a witness Name: "Ray" Steam ID: [u:1:20644865] Reason For Ban: possible cheat/hack Duration: leave to review board Demo: 3 diff of varied length Ray Ray1 Ray2
  8. Name: "rbn50B" Steam ID: [u:1:37891800] Reason for Ban: use a racial Slurs, *bleep* and Faggot even after warning duration; Perm Demo; NA
  9. Name: "spaceyss11" Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:143551747 Reason for Ban: Constant TKing, in and out of spawn, got a temp ban on simular name and ID like 10 mins prior. seeing him return i waited in spawn and watched him lite a nade and roll it to my feet. Numerous warnings given, kept saying "im new im new" as quick as he was killing, swaping weapons and nades both rifle and thrown. he is just an........ Duration for Ban: Indefinite Demo: no
  10. Name: 3 Ace Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:98768233 Reason for Ban: use of racial slurs, constant voice spaming on mic, (This is the same voice as -Ds-GaNTa-F STEAM_0:1:116802376 ) Duration: Perm, again same person using same voice and manorisms Demo: no
  11. Name: -Ds-GaNTa-F Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:116802376 Reason For Ban: Use of racial slur, constant voice spamming and trolling on several servers including Duration:Perm Ive never seen him play, just spectate and spew nonsense and such Demo: none, but also witnessed by Alpha omega as well as hostage . Note: Map change happened as i was getting ready to ban him, he didn't come back in for new map. wasn't able to get a BAN set on him
  12. His demo got cut off by a map change, i thought i restarted it but looking in the folder it seems i screwed that up it was much longer that i spec'd him while i Thought i was recording. Killing him isn't the problem, he dies just like everyone else. the shots are so fast and accurate even when dropping and changing weapons while Dodging, its like there is no recoil and hit boxes the size of a Buick. same for morrie, but, If you both feel its otherwise.............
  13. yeah he didnt seem to care what he was told at -17 damn near everyone telling him to stop, he was without a doubt a douche extreem recomend a Perma
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