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About Locke

  • Birthday 03/20/1991

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Forum Beginner (3/91)



  1. California Sandwhich, Smokes Poutine all I can think of right now D: Also, go to Church street. It's a LOT of fun over there.
  2. Arrested Development, Community, Modern Family, It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia all good shows.
  3. Oh snap who else is playing TOR when it comes out???
  4. Anyone else upset that NBC is putting Community on mid season hiatus? It's one of the greatest shows on TV. If no one has seen it, I recommend you do. Check out this site for some community based lols. http://communitythings.tumblr.com/
  5. They're both REALLY good. But AMC. Breaking Bad is the greatest show on TV hands down and I love Mad Men.
  6. He was drinking Coke, Beer and some type of alcohol (maybe vodka?) lol. Anyways, done like a boss. BTW Canadians do say eh. We just don't usually realize it .
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