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  1. Name: baconman2009 STEAM ID: [u:1:85861350] Reason: aimbotting Duration: perm demo provided: yes. https://gofile.io/d/R3TNLx
  2. Name: sulfix ID: [u:1:1117455213] Reason: aimbotting and wallhack Duration: permanent Demo: https://gofile.io/d/KIpeFF
  3. Name: (it is blank, but I do have the steam ID) Steam I.D: U:1:441812046 Duration of Ban: Perm Reasons for the Ban: Aimbotting Demo Provided?: Y Comments: See demo. 1.dem
  4. Name: [myg0t]K4 Steam I.D: u:1:1181474234 Reasons for the Ban: aimbotting Recommended duration of ban: perm Demo Provided?: Y k4.dem
  5. The link to the demo: http://bit.ly/1aXNQcK
  6. Name: rossa Steam I.D:STEAM_0:1:52894921 Duration of Ban: Perma Reasons for the Ban: anti-recoil, aimbotting Demo Provided?: yes Comments: During the game today, some of his difficult shots brought my attention. Some of them are just literally not possible to be able to hit consistently. And I demoed him and positively sure it was hacking. .
  7. Thank you for your suppport Brown. It's fine. I can wait a couple days. Not too worry about this. It should be quite obvious in the demo. Not a lot of people have experience of shooting MG undeployed. It is understandable.
  8. Name: xliu30 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:33367899 Date & Time of ban: 11-14, 8:30 PM Admin who banned you: Lehman 1st MRB Excuse for the Unban: I was banned for hacking. Given the time period I have been playing on this server, I think most people know I do not hack. I understand some admins might not be familiar with me, and their judgment might no always be correct. I totally understand that. Please Unban...
  9. MimiwOw.*Ƹ̵̡Ǫ̵́ÌÆ· STEAM_0:0:9612185 08-04-12 02:35 Parker 1st MRB was banned because a player named DSB accusing her cheating. And the admin believed and banned her. But DSB himself was a cheater on FFN. He just went around and ask 1st mrb to ban players who accused him on FFN.
  10. Name: xliu30 Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:33367899 Date & Time of ban: 2012-04-12 7:20 Admin who banned you: Asmaro Excuse for the Unban: I UNINTENTIONALLY fired one bullet in spawn when I switch weapons. The one bullet hit Asmaro. It didn't kill him. But he then used a very negative tone saying "whoever did this is gone..". Then I was BANNED from the server given the reason "team killing". I have been playing on this server for a quite long time and become friends with some of your members. I have never intentionally team killed anyone. And Asmaro knows this. Because hit by an unintentionally fired bullet, he banned me from the server for TK? Plus the tone he used, this is abuse of admin power. I played on this server and enjoyed it because most ppl are well behaved. Abuse of admin power should not be tolerated on this server. Thus, I post this unban request AND demand an apology from Asmaro. I hope this matter can be taken care of soon. Thanks for your time.
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