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Distinguished Civilian
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Forum Beginner

Forum Beginner (3/91)



  1. YES, have spent all my free time the past three days playing this game. Got to lvl 24, loving every min.
  2. I GOT IN FINALLY!!!! Server name "Saber of Exar Kun" my character's name Curator. Feel free too add me in-game, or post here your toons name and i'll add you. Also got in a good guild if you would like an invite too that as well. FOR THE REPUBLIC! oh its a pvp server ftw
  3. Lock! You should def play with us, we could us a solid trooper to kick some sith ass! 3 more days*!
  4. So, I was talking to Petri and we are both going to get SWTOR when it goes live, (the 15th if you pre-orederd, the 20th if you didn't) and we wanted anyone else in the MRB to join us on the same server. The server list is not out yet so we don't have a specific server picked out yet. But on the 15th, I will post which server we pick, but the server we pick will be pvp. We are going to go republic (jedi), so if you want to play with us you have to go republic. If we get enough people we might be able to start a clan, so feel free too put ideas for names below. Tell us if you are getting the game, any questions you may have about the game, what you are excited about, which name you hope to get ext. Anything swtor related. FOR THE REPUBLIC!
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