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Gardner2 last won the day on July 25 2018

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    Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan, Canada
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  • Donation Status
    Unit Contributor
  • Weapon of Choice
    MG42 Machine Gun

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Community Answers

  1. In the past I received a demerit for not posting one, so I always do now.
  2. Name: Danil Bagrov Steam I.D: [U:1:912982929] Duration of Ban: 1 week Reasons for the Ban: multiple TK's was warned by several people, left the server came back and kept doing it. Demo Provided?: Y/N No, but I do have a screenshot Comments:
  3. Name: participant Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:217668094 Duration of Ban: 1 week Reasons for the Ban: excessive tking, was -61 when I joined the server after a pub pinged me Demo Provided?: Y/N Comments:
  4. Nope no changes, I even did as Marsden suggested and dropped my FPS_max to 90 to see if that helped, no change.
  5. Thanks, I did a verify game files yesterday (install is only 3 weeks old as this is a new laptop) and did not notice any change with the lag.
  6. Ive run the verify game files on my side (install was fresh 3 weeks ago due to this being a brand new system. Not getting error codes in console now, but still getting lag spikes on stock maps on the public server. I see someone else has also reported lag spikes on the pub now as well.
  7. Not gone, as said I still get this on the pub server stock maps. Custom maps and servers I do not experience this lag, only on our pub stock maps am I experiencing it, if someone runs a custom map on our server it seems to go away. Glitch with our stock maps maybe?
  8. I'm averaging around 270fps in game, this appears to be mainly stock maps only on our server (pub, have not been on the custom to see if it does the same). We played on a custom the other day and I do not remember seeing any lag during it. And as mentioned when on other servers like the one gun game one I frequent which is all custom maps/levels I do not experience any lag.
  9. fixed most of the errors, but still getting random lag spikes on the server. Got this error this morning: 2555.105049 BlockingGetDataPointer: Async I/O Force ambient\materials\wood_creak1.wav ( 2071.81 msec / 2192.38 msec total ) Error reading weapon data file for: weapon_ifm_steadycam
  10. trying these and will let you know if it fixes once I get some play time in.
  11. Name: K. Gardner Rank: Sgt. Type of issue: (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure) Software Brief Description of Issue: Only happens on our pub server, no issues on other servers so far, keep getting random lag spikes. Get the following errors in console: 1443.481109 BlockingGetDataPointer: Async I/O Force weapons\mp40_shoot.wav ( 1826.49 msec / 2175.78 msec total ) 1504.581986 BlockingGetDataPointer: Async I/O Force physics\glass\glass_impact_soft2.wav ( 2047.31 msec / 2170.41 msec total ) Error reading weapon data file for: weapon_ifm_steadycam MP3 initialized with no sound cache, this may cause janking. [ bandage\bandage.mp3 ] Failed to create decoder for MP3 [ bandage\bandage.mp3 ] MP3 initialized with no sound cache, this may cause janking. [ bandage\bandage.mp3 ] Failed to create decoder for MP3 [ bandage\bandage.mp3 ] *** Invalid sample rate (0) for sound 'bandage\bandage.mp3'. Attemped to precache unknown particle system "blood_impact_red_01"! Attemped to precache unknown particle system "blood_impact_green_01"! Attemped to precache unknown particle system "blood_impact_yellow_01"! Attemped to precache unknown particle system "slime_splash_01"! Attemped to precache unknown particle system "slime_splash_02"! Attemped to precache unknown particle system "slime_splash_03"! The server is using sv_pure 0. (Enforcing consistency for select files only) #Game_connected 803.560335 BlockingGetDataPointer: Async I/O Force player\damage\female\minorpain2.wav ( 181.68 msec / 303.89 msec total ) 810.330735 BlockingGetDataPointer: Async I/O Force physics\plastic\plastic_box_impact_soft2.wav ( 116.10 msec / 287.17 msec total ) ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: Yama Supporting Technician: J. Candy
  12. looks like another days of war. Not going to waste more money on a game with potential to die as quickly as it did.
  13. Name:H40 MADN3SS SteamID: [U:1:150720583] Reason: Multiple TK's, very disrespectful in voice chat (typical 12year old kid spewing that he's a god crap). Duration: 1 week Demo: no Responded to a pm from Harding regarding multiple tkers, gave everyone who was tking a kick and rewarned, this kid kept going thought he was untouchable.
  14. Should note this is temporarily free till Sunday, then you have to pay to keep playing.
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