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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Gardner2

  1. SteamID: STEAM_0:0:142681853
  2. Name: mwolf SteamID: did not capture, will need to look it up later just heading out for dinner. Banned Period: Perm Reason: Racist comments, mic spam, ignoring warnings, arguing server rules. was verbally warned by What? and via type chat by myself after calling another player a fag. Then argued the rules with What? till I muted him. Map changed and he continued to argue the rule, so I kicked him from the server. came back and he was warned to not argue with admins as the rules were not up for debate. He then started to verbally mic spam fag/*bleep* over and over so I quick perma banned him. Demo: no.
  3. Name: Uncle Same Lover U.S.A. SteamID: [U:1:342158997] Type of Ban: Perm Reason: Server disrespect and racism. was kicked, came back with another racist name, asked to change it he did. then changed it again and started bashing the server. Demo: No Sgt. K. Gardner [1st MRB|MP]: kkk neo need you to change your name please KKK NEO NAZI LOVER HEIL HITLER: BUT HE HAS SS RUNES KKK NEO NAZI LOVER HEIL HITLER: WHY CANT I BE THIS BUT HE HAS NAZI RUNES KKK NEO NAZI LOVER HEIL HITLER: "paid" KKK NEO NAZI LOVER HEIL HITLER: i paid big time bucks for this account KKK NEO NAZI LOVER HEIL HITLER: no KKK NEO NAZI LOVER HEIL HITLER: im blue KKK NEO NAZI LOVER HEIL HITLER: kkk KKK NEO NAZI LOVER HEIL HITLER: kk KKK NEO NAZI LOVER HEIL HITLER: 1 sec Hitler Hater DOWN WITH FACISM: why is the nazi allowed to play Hitler Hater DOWN WITH FACISM: isnt that racist [SM] Kicked Hitler Hater DOWN WITH FACISM Sgt. K. Gardner [1st MRB|MP]: Unlce Sam welcome back, stop with your previous actions. you are out of warnings. Uncle Sam Lover U.S.A: k dog Uncle Sam Lover U.S.A: the server is butt the game is butt this is all butt Uncle Sam Lover U.S.A: i cant even play with this ping Uncle Sam Lover U.S.A: little nazi lovers [SM] Sgt. K. Gardner [1st MRB|MP]: Permanently banned player "Uncle Sam L
  4. Name: Radio Dj Steam I.D: sorry did not get, he was causing other pubbers to react and removed before I did a status to get ip Duration of Ban: Perm. Reasons for the Ban: Racism in game chat, was warning multiple times by Muppet Puncher via voice, and even kicked. Came back and continued with racist comments. Demo Provided?: Y/N No. Comments: Radio Dj Star: sup my negros Radio Dj Star: can we ban the sniper for having SS runes princesslillyfee: radio dj i think racism isnt welcome according to server rules Radio Dj Star: ? Radio Dj Star: so ban him Radio Dj Star: so ban him Radio Dj Star: I CANT UNDERSTAND YOU Radio Dj Star: not you Radio Dj Star: not you SIER Hung Solo: there is different kinds? Radio Dj Star: yes Radio Dj Star: you can hate jews,blacks asians all kinds of racism Radio Dj Star: BUT HES A NAZI Radio Dj Star: see Radio Dj Star: hes okay with killing jews Radio Dj Star: how am i the racist Radio Dj Star: what DID I DO The Sniper ϟϟ killed The Notorious with k98. Radio Dj Star: But your letting a neo nazi play and im bad for asking for a simple name change Radio Dj Star: hes breaking actual rules and i would simply like a name change Radio Dj Star suicided. [SM] Sgt. K. Gardner [1st MRB|MP]: Permanently banned player "Radio Dj Star" (reason: Disrespecting Admins/Players).
  5. Why Willow of course. Check out her promotional poster on the units FB page.
  6. This is the unlikely story of Maple and his painful genital sores cured by Quarterman's moist foot fungus. The year after he was diagnosed with nipple cancer. Nipples larger than a syringe used for basting often indicate that he sometimes liked licking the underside of a newly discovered dead animal. Not only his testicle is missing, but his left foot smells like shit because he stepped in manure. Maple had a friend named Candy who helped him with his Xylophone skills for awakening his urge to sexually satisfy himself. Quarterman begged Candy for favors of his best friend, the sexual kind of things one is ashamed of sharing with family. Like kissing ones tasty anal cavity while eating a huge Mongolian Boodog. Quarterman's excitement couldn't be masked with his passion for eating rather large portions of other animals and insects. People who think this is weird were shot down, then Quarterman inserted copious amounts of herpes infected semen. Hill tried to stop Quarterman's madness, but alas Hill fondled a nice big breast instead. But Maple wasn't ready for candy to tell him you are the Dovakhinn, Maple must lather his nipples before a sniper battle with another chap named Cannon. Cannon was born, rifle in hand, in a cabin like every Canadian. Quarterman grew hard although he was already fond of Candy's erectile dysfunction which maple also shared massaging deeply.
  7. I get the same look when I really need to poop..... maybe your just constipated? Congrats on the house!! And watch out for Brown he's like Alf with cats!!
  8. I always vote Williow.
  9. Definate AIMBOT!! lol Sweet Video..... now stop shooting me so much already!!!!!!!!!!
  10. This is the unlikely story of Maple and his painful genital sores cured by Quarterman's moist foot fungus. The year after he was diagnosed with nipple cancer. Nipples larger than a syringe used for basting often indicate that he sometimes liked licking the underside of a newly discovered dead animal. Not only his testicle is missing, but his left foot smells like shit because he stepped in manure. Maple had a friend named Candy who helped him with his Xylophone skills for awakening his urge to sexually satisfy himself. Quarterman begged Candy for favors of his best friend, the sexual kind of things one is ashamed of sharing with family. Like kissing ones tasty anal cavity while eating a huge Mongolian Boodog. Quarterman's excitement couldn't be masked with his passion for eating rather large portions of other animals and insects. People who think this is weird were shot down, then Quarterman inserted
  11. This is the unlikely story of Maple and his painful genital sores cured by Quarterman's moist foot fungus. The year after he was diagnosed with nipple cancer. Nipples larger than a syringe used for basting often indicate that he sometimes liked licking the underside of a newly discovered dead animal. Not only his testicle is missing, but his left foot smells like shit because he stepped in manure. Maple had a friend named Candy who helped him with his Xylophone skills for awakening his urge to sexually satisfy himself. Quarterman begged Candy for favors of his best friend, the sexual kind of things one is ashamed of sharing with family. Like kissing ones
  12. This is the unlikely story of Maple and his painful genital sores cured by Quarterman's moist foot fungus. The year after he was diagnosed with nipple cancer. Nipples larger than a syringe used for basting often indicate that he sometimes liked licking the underside of a newly discovered dead animal. Not only his testicle is missing, but his left foot smells like shit because he stepped in manure. Maple had a friend named Candy who helped him with his Xylophone skills for awakening his urge to sexually satisfy himself. Quarterman begged Candy for favors of his best friend, the sexual kind
  13. This is the unlikely story of Maple and his painful genital sores cured by Quarterman's moist foot fungus. The year after he was diagnosed with nipple cancer. Nipples larger than a syringe used for basting often indicate that he sometimes liked licking the underside of a newly discovered dead animal. Not only his testicle is missing, but his left foot smells like shit because he stepped in manure. Maple had a friend named Candy who helped him with his Xylophone skills for awakening his urge to
  14. re do, you skipped a word and rewrote from what was posted before you. This is the unlikely story of maple and his painful genital sores cured by Quarterman's moist foot fungus. The year after he was diagnosed with nipple cancer. Nipples larger than a syringe used for basting often indicate that he sometimes liked licking the underside of a newly discovered dead animal. Not only his testicle is missing, but his left foot smells like shit because he
  15. This is the unlikely story of maple and his painful genital sores cured by Quarterman's moist foot fungus. The year after he was diagnosed with nipple cancer. Nipples larger than a syringe used for basting often indicate that he sometimes liked licking the underside of a newly discovered dead animal. Not only his testicle is missing, but his left
  16. This is the unlikely story of maple and his painful genital sores cured by Quarterman's moist foot fungus. The year after he was diagnosed with nipple cancer. Nipples larger than a syringe used for basting often indicate that he sometimes liked licking the underside
  17. This is the unlikely story of maple and his painful genital sores cured by Quarterman's moist foot fungus. The year after he was diagnosed with nipple cancer. Nipples larger than a syringue used for basting
  18. Today in the pub this flashes up in the messages: GySgt. C. Duncan [1st MRB]MB: DO TK TW INTENTIONALLY It's official Duncan needs more TK's in the server to hide his own!!!
  19. rams cheap, just add more.
  20. I still have my pile of 5 1/4" disks with all the old basic codes I wrote back in the 80s and early 90s lol a fun to visit site when you do boot up the old system for games code: http://www.vintage-basic.net/games.html
  21. Hi Surfrat Thank you for bringing this to our attention and your recent donation. Our #1 rule and word in this unit is Respect and expect both our unit members and pubbers to uphold it. At the same time people do slip and say things in the heat of "battle", and provided they do not go to excess we do let things go. But if excessive an admin should step in correct any unwanted wording or disrespectful comments, especially if someone complains or asks for it to stop. I am sure one of our officers will respond to this thread as well, but if you are able to PM one of our admins or officers with more details I am certain they will look into this matter and help ensure it does not get out of hand again. If you are uncomfortable reaching out to one of our officers, please feel free to PM myself or any of our SNCO members as well (SSgt. to WO ranks), all of whom will also help ensure your future playing on our server is enjoyable. Salute! Sgt. K. Gardner.
  22. Gardner2


    +2 Welcome!
  23. Do not most American's think of Europe as only England primarily.... much the same way they think Canada is only Toronto and Montreal and the rest of our land is frozen wasteland and pea farms and our primary architect is built out of snow blocks...... And that their "english" has been deformed and slanged by British "english". Then again you know I've "heard" that all it does is rain in England and the over bites are so bad you could hang a coat off of them. That the french woman are "hairy" beasts that give the Sasquatch a run for his money. That if you are an american in Europe and want to get laid, you wear a small Canadian flag on your backpack and say you love Poutine and overuse the word "eh". There is stereotypes/jokes/misconceptions about every country from another country which honestly is usually lead by a form of jealousy.
  24. I have run Kapersky's Anti Virus for 3 years now, yet to lose any downtime due to viruses with it. And considering I on average get between 150 to 300 emails daily from multiple clients around the world and employees with documents, photos and .zip files that is a pretty good test run. Especially when you factor in that approximately 1/3 to 1/2 of the year I am logging in via hotel wifi connections which are usually very spotty for firewall protection. Kapersky's also protects my android phone. Their free version did such a good job and cleaned up what my previous paid Panda did not, that I signed up for a 3 year contract with them (huge savings yearly this route as well). I use to run Panda and AVG paid subscriptions both I lost time due to viruses (Best Buy had a bad month where 1 in 3 emails had a virus attached when they sent out construction documents). I agree Nortons and McAfee are horrible anti virus programs and resource hogs. And I found that they tended to use more viruses to run than they actually blocked.......... Resource wise Kapersky's is not a hog either I find. I am currently rocking a 3 year old laptop, average 50 ping on my mid line average Canadian "High Speed" internet provider and rarely if ever experience lag with it running full bore in the background.
  25. With the amount of Turkey I ate this weekend, I must apologize to those of you south of the Canadian border for the upcoming Turkey shortage for your own Thanksgiving Day.
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