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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Gardner2

  1. is he not more of crepe? Happy Birthday bud!
  2. Anyone find a fix for this yet?
  3. Pvt.Hicks - I think I'm gonna go eat I got a burrito chilling Cpl.Gardner - wait you have a burrito chilling? wha? Pvt.Hicks - you know what I mean I can make that shit in the freezer Sgt.Boutton - dude your drunk Pvt.Hicks - no you guys are asking me question you know what I mean Cpl.Gardner - "dude I got a buritto chilling in the freezer" I'm sorry that shits funny *proceeds to laugh* Sgt.Boutton - *proceeds to laugh* Pvt.Hicks - dude dont worry I got platoon covered
  4. seriously what the hell are you looking for when you find these videos....... never mind the guy in the video not getting a date if ever found out..... what about Kanganis and his search history...... lol
  5. Name: shitmoth rinkeby SteamID: "shitmoth rinkeby" [u:1:37691132] Reason: Multiple TKs would not stop when requested. Recommendation: 1 week+ as he went into double digits Demo: No, SSgt. Giovanolli was present.
  6. The command above only gets rid of the message in the middle of the screen. There is currently no fix for the error in console. :/ ???? this thread is about the console errors, I've never seen anything in the middle of the screen.
  7. I just checked I do not have nor did I have autohelp enabled..... so not causing this in my case. No skins other than the ones that come with the game installed. and I get walls of this error code in my console.....
  8. aye but annoying when trying to check logs lol
  9. Name: K. Gardner Rank: Cpl. Type of issue: (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure) Software Brief Description of Issue: BADNESS! Tell Matt that the weapon '' tried to draw with a null model ( 0, 0, not alt ) Keep getting the above error code flashing through my console today. Not sure who Matt is or what weapon " is, but apparently it is an issue? I had a game patch update when I logged in this morning which was installed, this happened since the game update. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: SSgt. S. Woz Supporting Technician:
  10. Is it just me or are portions of this trailer not made up of some of those first person videos that have been all over the internet the past 2 or 3 years?? several scenes sure looked familiar.
  11. looking forward to it, but when I first heard about the movie 4 months ago I had false hopes it was The Martian as in http://dc.wikia.com/wiki/Martian_Manhunter Once I got pasted the crushed hopes and dreams that they were making a standalone movie for J'onn, I realized that the trailers were still pretty cool.
  12. psst the Yuri's revenge part was suppose to be a surprise.
  13. Name: Brickangroo SteamID: STEAM_0:1:90516940 Recommendation: 1 week + Demo: No but see logs below: [VGHS] Brickangroo killed alvarolion with pschreck. [VGHS] Brickangroo killed stalker1942 with pschreck. Cpl. K. Gardner [1st MRB]: Brick stop shooting at friendlies! [VGHS] Brickangroo killed Cpl. K. Gardner [1st MRB] with pschreck. Player: Cpl. K. Gardner [1st MRB] - Damage Taken Damage Taken from "[VGHS] Brickangroo" - ( life ID 11828 ) - 111 in 1 hit alvarolion killed [VGHS] Brickangroo with p38.
  14. It reappeared after a patch 2 days ago, and I did some additional digging and found this option to disable it: Right click on your computer icon on the desktop and click properties Go to Advance system settings Click the button called "Environment Variables" Click the “New” button under User variables or System variables depending if you want the change to affect all the users on the system or just the one you are currently logged as Set the variable name to MOZ_DISABLE_OOP_PLUGINS and its value to 1 So far so good. Will keep you posted.
  15. Happy eat much Cake day!!! May the beers be flowing freely!
  16. Name: Eric Clapton SteamID: STEAM_0:1:51330907 Reason: Excessive TKs will not stop Duration: 1 week plus for excessive TKing Demo: No
  17. Name: Maurauder SteamID: STEAM_0:1:39943986 Reason: Excessive TKs will not stop currently at 5+ Duration: 1 week for ignoring requests to stop and laughing about it in chat. Demo: No
  18. Name: ayy lmao SteamID: STEAM_0:0:51342605 Reason: 50+ TKs with a MG server has 5 players on it..... will not stop. Duration: Perm due to excessive TK count Demo: No.
  19. I know right, she's crazy! But that's why we love her and she won by such a landslide on the votes.
  20. Bump Willow brought this up on Vent today and mentioned how she is thinking about running again. I might take on the mantle as her Campaign manager again
  21. Name: blandy1024 Steam: STEAM_0:1:118055793 Reason: Multiple TK's, received multiple warnings from myself and others Recommendation: 2 days to 1 week Demo: No
  22. Name: jobond Steam: STEAM_0:0:98380408 Reason: TK's multiple, received multiple warnings from myself and others Recommendation: 2 days to 1 week Demon: no
  23. I have not had any issues with youtube or any videos on my computer, but I have found on my phone the past 2 weeks they have been loading very slowly whether I am on my celluar LTE or home networks.
  24. So there was a service update my system installed this morning, and my issues with the .exe file has disappeared so far.
  25. you realize everyone has that statement in one form or another these days right? If they are approached by law enforcement to release your information (typically with a warrant) they must disclose it. Your ISP provider does this, google does this, facebook does this, every online service you use does this. Nothing new, just fear mongering by social media. Do not do anything illegal and you wont have issues down the road, at the same time those 3 movies you downloaded probably will not get you stung, but download 1000 and they might look at you.
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