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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Gardner2

  1. lol FireFox damn phones autocorrect earlier lol
  2. If you go the Laptop route, my last 2 laptops have been ACER units with dedicated graphics cards both have been in the $800 to $1000 CDN price range. Both have treated me very well, current one is 2 years old and still runs BF4, BFH, GTAV around 70FPS and average 50ping.
  3. Thanks for the feed back Gardner, theese kind of things is very helpfull. Hopefully they will get it fixed soon. No problems I googled it and most results came up that it is an extension manager for FireFix (which I do not use or have installed) that has been causing issues since Windows XP, have not found a way to disable it in Win10 yet till I can find out what it causing it to glitch (which is what most people have done on other OS to solve the "problem")
  4. If anyone starts to notice excessive lag while running Win10, open your task manager and look for a program called plugincontainer.exe and end task it. Lag will disappear instantly and no noticeable issues with the rest of the OS from there once it is shut down, I have a ticket into Microsoft asking what is up with this program as it jumps to 99% processor usage and stays there for a very very very long time.
  5. initial impressions: 1) Much smoother operation, even with me being on a SSD already system boots up faster 2) Graphics huge improvement, colours much sharper and lines more defined. 3) Initial Game impression - wow the games I have tried out quickly average 10fps increase and clearer images 4) other programs have already updated automatically to win10 versions (Kapersky Anitvirus) 5) was very easy to upgrade to unlike previous versions, took approximately 45mins in total with doing a custom setup instead of the express. 6) the fear mongering about it automatically sharing your wifi passwors and being hard to shut off is total bullshit. It is one of the options during set up if you choose the "non express" route (adds like 30 seconds to set up), and you turn off the wifi share option simple.
  6. starting the installation once I hit submit on this post and shut down my browser lol
  7. Name: Jar SteamID: STEAM_0:0:60561673 Reason: Multiple TK's, stopped when I asked him, then started back up -6 at time of me writing this. Duration: Perm, he knows the rules, stopped when asked then started back up about 5 minutes later. Demo: No, but I have a screen shot if needed
  8. BL00DSP0RT on BF4 PC
  9. Gardner2


    Thank you sir!
  10. Gardner2


    would someone be able to update my vent password please so I can access the retire section and such till my Re-enlistment goes through
  11. Update - Clicka made it into the server and kicked him for us. [sM] ADMIN: Banned player "Kvitto" for 10080 minutes (reason: Spamming Mic/Chat).
  12. Name: Kvitto SteamID: : STEAM_0:1:121313613 Reason: Non stop yelling into the mic, been asked multiple times to stop via both voice and type. No admins on server to kick him. Duration: 2 days or longer if you deem worthy as he said he does not care if he gets banned. Demo: No
  13. I knew there was a reason I like you lol PANTLESS RAIDING FOR LIFE!! heck I'm at work in my underwear right now. Majority of people at work are in their underwear. aye but only my underwear and nothing else but my headset lol
  14. I knew there was a reason I like you lol PANTLESS RAIDING FOR LIFE!! heck I'm at work in my underwear right now.
  15. She stole this line from me a long time ago. $5 per domination on Willow. Proof via screenshot. Standard rates may apply. Valid through 7/10/15 AND WELCOME BACK way to make her stay offline again till 7/11/15.........
  16. Harding reconfirmed his love for me on the server last night, still none of the Candy he offered me years and years ago though.........
  17. How? received the application invite last week, applied and got approved.
  18. This game rocks so far, got in on the closed Alpha tests that started today!
  19. Gardner2


    why you not online!! I've been on and off since yesterday and played for a while today again Got a domination on Omar my first since getting to play again so well worth it lol
  20. Gardner2


    work went insane the past few weeks.... finally home only 2100 more work emails to get caught up on lol Gonna try and play a bit today on and off between calls to clear my mind
  21. Gardner2


    Where were you when the did ruhtard of the month we could of campaigned for willow again No! but that is awesome that people are carrying on the campaign for her nominations!!!
  22. Gardner2


    Stopping in to say hi! Life has been insane, new job taking up 80+ hours a week right now Hope to be popping in to play on the server again this week sometime for a bit! How you all been?
  23. Granted, you have graduated and now have a job shoveling shit. I wish that I had nothing.
  24. This guy has been spamming the mic non stop for 20minutes.... need an admin in the server.... I finally left as the mic spam is insane....
  25. Yeah i could go for that as well, although 2 smoking hot big titted redheads would be better I was not going for a stroke/heart attack. The brunette keeps it spicy and fun but lowers the chances of you dying from the extreme fun.
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