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About Peurala

  • Birthday 11/19/1992

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  • Interests
    Gaming, Excercising, having fuun!!!

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Peurala's Achievements

Forum Disciple

Forum Disciple (21/91)



  1. Planning to get it once i've got money. Looks goooddddd
  2. Congrats ) Well done TIM!, i still hate u tho <3
  3. ^ That. And now that Jani enlisted aswell he HAS TO. ))))
  4. Ahh damn it you people you making me really wanna go there.. gotta wait for a couple years most likely to come up with the cash. DANG IT!
  5. lmfao yyeeee mate of mine showed me this. FUUU No!!!
  6. Wisdom teeth?! i feel ya !
  7. Ah, good old times! Oh yeah Thanks guys! All of Ya'll!
  8. Hah yerrrrr
  9. think Gardner banned him, so its dealt with! Thanks.
  10. Name: Gr**n Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:20714233 Duration of Ban: dno maybe a week to a month? Reasons for the Ban: He kept teamkilling in spawn after being warned multiple times, til he had like -10 score if not more. Demo Provided?: nope Comments: there were turner, Firth, Halvorsen and i at the time, to confirm it. AND at this time hes still in the server and nobodys banned him.
  11. Happy bday! Have a good one!
  12. Nice! hope you'll win best of luck!!!
  13. Star wars blows imo!
  14. oohhhh... mudcake, yummy.... the candle in other hand o_O, also get me one for monday! Turning 20 myself!
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