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Everything posted by Peurala

  1. Damn... Smoking hot right there. do u have a gf?
  2. !!! first time i see your pic,
  3. BADASS Yankee!
  4. totally hawt
  5. Peurala


  6. Nice vid Lets keep them coming!
  7. Peurala


    somebody could buy me this, ppweetty pleasee
  8. well done, nice video indeed!
  9. happy birthday! Have a good one
  10. And you should be working and you was on forums like 23 mins ago.

  11. I Was at school xD

  12. Soz, double posted.
  13. Yeh, but.. its friday not saturday, and @ Deni, what reward? O_o
  14. Blehhh i dont even know the map well, lts just go on donner, no going in buildings.
  15. Screw Foy!
  16. ;( Well idk what maps you've got. (Sniper-maps) I prefer something like with hardly any buildings, and such.. rly open maps.
  17. Love it, what can i say..
  18. your on! Map: Sniper_Wars_beta, if your ok with it. I was thinking of uhm, 20th - this friday 9 PM (GMT +2) Pistols, knives/Shovels are Allowed. No camping in the same spot more than 20 seconds.
  19. Happy birthday Tate! Hope you have a good one <3
  20. oh my f..... god.. i had shivers.
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