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Everything posted by Wulgaert

  1. Well back in the day i had some trouble with other stuff and someone helped me out trougha programe where he can control my laptop from his laptop (idk what the programe is called). We can try this if you want to so you can look into my laptop itself so you might fiend the problem cause it really sucks and i trully believe the lagging out has also something to do with it Its jsut weird that it is just on your server as well :'(
  2. It did not work. I also removed my dod, and i redoawnload dod again. After that i done what you asked me, it did not work :'( i Wish i was better at this ahahah ty anyway
  3. Update: The problem is still there. It might sound weird but i think both are related. I tested this on a server and for 1 straight hour i did not "lag out". on your server i lag out after 15 min of playtime (maybe 20 i guess it depends). So i hope thta someone really can help me with it cause it sucks to rejoin (+ reopen dod) evry 15 min Ty for the help so far
  4. I do not want any ways around it. I dont like it that there are waysa around it i think weapon restriction should be there tho But there shouldnt be a way around it One of the reasons i didnt like 6th rb anymore, but i guess you guys do it as well But thats none of my concern ;o I might one day enlist but for now i'll just stick with the pub If i join i will do the rifle restriction no ways around it LIKE A REAL SOLDIER
  5. No sir, it did not the server problem thing might be my laptop idk altough i havent gotten it on a diffrent server yet. about the bondage thing. i doawnload it again i put it in tmy folders again on the right spot. It did not work i removed the old one and stuck in the new one and it didnt work s idk i am not good with computers so i dont even know what to do really ty anyway so far tho
  6. It does not allow to get to doawnlaod the sound again (its says my accounts is not allowed in there) but i know where to fiend the location to put it in now so thats something
  7. Dont be scared... Thats what they want in the first place.. What comes comes, if it doesn't it doesn't... Just hope evry1 you know will be allright, ever, period! peace
  8. Well i agreed and belgium is trying that tho, yet they dont ahve the balls to excually put them in jail to start off with to scared, to scared for what might come if they do...
  9. I am not saying the have to abdanon there religion, they just must accept ours... And respect it and not force there's in our country... They can do whatever in there own houses but once you get in a public place you shouldnt force any of your religion when its not the once from the country you are lucky to be in... They just should be happy that theyare allowed in OUR country and should follow our rules. wich seems like a problem for a lot of them (this doesnt have to do anything with religion most of the time) anywya i think we can agreed that something must happen or WW3 is comming (or is it WW4? )
  10. Can someone guide me trough all this via ventrilo? sinds i dont know anything about computers
  11. thank you!!
  12. I agreed that we gotta have a plan for those who are allreaddy here... We gotta be human about this and give those who deserve it a home. However like i said before alot "real" begians dont even have a job how will we give those people a job... The thing is jsut tha one and another can't live togheter as long as they hold on to there relegion and evryting that comes ith it. They have a way of thinking a way of life a diffrent way of living a diffrent way of respect .... To many thing are diffrent wich has been proven by the past... I am not afraid of any1 and anything so i aint afraid of isis as well. But i almost lost a friend cause of the bombing.... she was really close to the attack in the airport... I wouldnt be able to forgive myself or any1 els that not tried to safe her if she would have died... i would not forgive any moslim cause thre are notmmany that excually come on the streets to protest against the attacks. there are even a lot of kids that were cheering right after the attacks, some were laughing. So far i have been able to give this all a place but if one of my friends or famaly gets killed idk what i would do.. (i know i am crazy )
  13. I understand what you are trying to say. However, the problem is that we dont have room for all those people! Also immigrants that live here dont feel "accepted". We do evrything to feel them accepted, yet they neeed to force there own rules into OUR country. I would feel like a gast if they give me a house for really few money i would feel happy that on top of that i get free money for doing nothing. Well they dont. I know there are more good moslmis then bad moslims, but sofar i havent gotten many good experienses with moslims (and my friends havtn gotten either). They scream at girls with shorts "sluts" or "hookers". cause in moslims country's its a not done thing ... if i come intro a country and i wanna get in one of there moskee's to look how it go's in there i would do shatever it takes to respect what they do... You might feel my anger and frustration. But this is something i have been telling over the past 10 years. moslims and christians arnt a good combination! Idk if you know some stuff aabout our culture? There is someone called Sint-Nicolaas. He is a christian from Spain and evry year he comes at 6th of december to our country to give all the good kids presents (its a thing ). Along side him he brings alot of helpers called "zwarte pieten". Now these helpers bring the presents to poeple houses trought the chimney, therfore they get black. so zwarte pieten get presented as black.. Now there are some immigrants that fiend that racist. now we are changing all the songs and even will change the costumes from all those helpers cause some immigrants dont like it... we are losing our own culture just for some immigrants... sorry i come across like this but i get angry evry time i think about it Boone will tell this is all true
  14. Mhe I am kinda done playing with weapon restriction But who knows in the future First i gotta get to know if this is a unit i even wanna join
  15. Or stop imigration? Belgium got 800.000 none work adults!!! Evry day thousands are comming in, how will they find work? A lot of them live from social care (OCMW) they get payed 1000€ average a hardworking person that getsa small pay (not trump :p) will get payed 1270€, how can a none worker almost get payed the same as a hardworking person... only in belgium. The problem is that the belgian govrement got soft. Churches are changed into moskee's????? one of the many examples why belgium is fackked up
  16. Hey, Wully Wonka in house Some might have seen me on the server last few days, others might have seen my posting a unbanrequest... First of i wanna let you know i do not hack ahhaha ;o Second i wanna say thanks for letting me play on your good server!! Its a loty of fun. (to bad people camps :'( :p) NUUBS I am a Boy (24y) from Belgium. I play a few years now (around 8 i thiink ). I use to be not bad, but i quit for a year now and i am really rusty so go easy on me My english typing is teriblle my talking not that bad (sexy voiiceeeeee) well thats me Edit: Moved relevant problems to a Medical Supply Ticket. Please check there for solutions soon.
  17. Hey, idk if this is only for members but i wanna say that also i live in belgium and saw this comming a loooong time ago. We belgians did something wrong, we lost our own path we lost our own culture, we lost our freedom. Some people took advantage of us "weak" people. I wont say that all moslmis are bad (cause i do have some moslim friends), however there are a lot of moslims in belgium that are causing trouble (stealing raping robbery etc), there are streets in brussels where police doesnt wanna come cause they are scared. Now you might think what does this have to do with the attacks? Well, all "bad" people start of small, addicts start with weed and end up with xtc, all rapers tart off with watching girls,... well all people that are in belgium from ISIS start of robbing, stealing etc alot of them are known by our police,, yet they dont wnana put them in jail or they would look bad as racism etc. Belgium must step up now and get rid of all the "bad" people before its to late and there wont be any country to fight for anymore. this is my opinion, you might agree you might not i might come across as a racist wich i aam not But the religion has sometihng to do with it (sry for the abd english) peace
  18. O really? Never knew! Unless you have a demo of this (wich you obviouslly wont have sinds i dont hack) i would still like to be unbanned. (Ps. 6th doesnt have a demo either so its weird i get banned without a demo) Thank you for your quick responds Also can i ask if that was the only ban i ever got on your server? if Yes then that ban was for having 6th tags on if no i dont know what to say lol
  19. Name: Wully Wonka (back in de day probabbly a diffrent name) Steam I.D:"Wully Wonka" [U:1:53975911] 00:32 143 0 active Reasons for the Ban: I use to be in 6th RB and i got banned for having there tags on, they asked me to take it off wich i didnt understand why. I asked for a reason so i could udnerstand but was never been given. Recommended duration of ban: permanent I no longer play with the 6th RB (they banned me cause they "think" i am hacking" but some officers just can't stand me). I havnt played dods for a year now and i wanna play it again but qinds there are not many good servers left and you are one of the only 1 that is full i would like to be unbanned. Thank you for your time and sorry for my bad english
  20. owkey sad to hear that becuase i think the point of this game is having fun.. not banning someone who wear the wroong tags 'in your eyes' so you ban evryone just when we hop in your pub ..... sad...we dont ban you guys when joining our server... and i know none of your members is aloud to... but this is just sad i joined your server they said i had to take them off i asked why becuase i tought i didnt metter becuase i was retired... like i said whit all respect i dont wanna piss you guys off i think you just HAVE to clear this "shit" out this isnt good for the unit comunitty...
  21. Name: Ret. U. Wulgaert [6thRB] Steam I.D: "Ret. U. Wulgaert [6th RB]" STEAM_0:1:26987955 Date & Time of ban:um about 1-2 weeks ago (between12-16h (euro time)) Admin who banned you: were onley 2 sgt's on at that moment can't tell who Excuse for the Unban:i guess 6th tags even i retired i get banned on this.. Whit all respect but i am NOT in the 6th anymore so why make i big mess about this all i pretty mlutch know what happen between 1mrb and 6thrb but i dont think thats a reason to ban people instead for wearing there tags ... i hope this ever will be stoped i think you guys and 6th rb are major anough for this..or not?? whit all respect like i said.... (anyway if i typed wrong words sry becuase my englais is bad ^^)
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