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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Wulgaert

  1. Hey, I wanna wish evryone a happy holidays! AND a better 2021! Sta safe! Ulrik
  2. Name: "KLᴼVᴵS " SteamID [U:1:1121757621] Reason: Aimhacking or assist Duration: perm Demo: yes kelvis.dem
  3. Name: Scinta pbbly Steam I.D: Duration of Ban: loosing his admin for abusing Reasons for the Ban: Abusing admin: Demo Provided? no Comments: situation: I shot 1 time around spawn in argentan, there was only 1 allied around. He complained about me shooting at him wich was simply NOT true. I didn't talk at all, i only typed. I told him in chat "who is this guy?" = meaning that he shouldn't enfroce rules that dont exist. I told him i did NOT hit him (in chat). I got kicked for NO good reason, there is no rule thta stated you can't shoot around spawn. If you wanna "bend" the rules so you can kick me thats all fine by me, that just shows some people want me gone... But as long it doesn't state in the rules, there can't be a insta kick for it. Specially when the comment for the kick was "ff"... On top of that i came back and called out admin abuse (this time with voicechat). i got insta muted. once again shows that people dont want me in the pub. Maybe its time people show me the RESPECT this unit alwyas tlaking about. I did nothing wrong, i did not brake any rules, i didn't provoke any admin until i got wrongfully kicked. If this is the way admin can do whatever they want, i dont get how no1 trusted me with admin sinds some with admmin abuse it. This massage might not have alot of "respect" in it, but sinds you guys are not showing it to me, i have no reason to give it back. I expect i fair and hounist awnser, for WHY i got kicked, and why RESPECT is for the happy few? Have a great evening
  4. Flash, cause axis is full of toxic campers that get to jerk off on that map. Lebron or Kobe
  5. update: the teamkiller came back in game and Vicari dealth with that guy!
  6. Steam id tk'r [U:1:86411755]
  7. Name: Ari Lihapää Steam I.D: Reasons for the Ban: Recommended duration of ban: Demo Provided?: No Also this guy was arguining how i handled the situation with the teamkiller. Kept talking back on how stupid "warn, kick and ban" thing is. Kept saying stuff like "good you ar not a admin". i kept my cool, but the guy was very disrespectfull. YODA [U:1:1035231123] 3th: i was posting this post, while in game being on a team with the sniper on me. Mb on this one cause i should have been going spectate. I was just checking in the game for the seconds guy steam ID and i get teamkilled on purpouse. I ask the guy why he did that, and he told me i shouldn't be afk. wich i told him that if he wanted the sniper he should have just asked. He said he did (i didnt hear it but it could be true). Told me to go spectate in a demanding 'idgaf-way'. The guy was as disrispectfull as This YODA guy. Story [U:1:31399688] I been having some of those situations latelly around this hour And i tend to leave the server cause there are no admins on... Its no fun this way
  8. Some of my old scores, when i wasn't bad
  9. What i invested my money in is, i bought my own house last year! I know many people dont have the money to do so, but if you can, i think its the best way to invest money. Specially right now sinds a house right now i up to 10% cheaper then 2 years ago. also the bank right now will give you a good price as well on reaching out for a loan
  10. Name: Berserker in weird letters :p Steam ID: didnt get it (he plays on our server almost evry day) reason: Suspecting him for a few days now for walling Duration of ban:: Permanent Demo:: yes Notes: To me this looks like walling. In other maps he also prefired a few times . The walling accured troughout the demo occasionally but specially at the end when he shot someone trough the wall. beserk.dem
  11. Here are some of my Pictures Fcorse my dogs have to be in there as well That one picture with the red plastic dude was taken at my job (no costumers were in the shop at that moment tho )
  12. 1stLt. Larson 1 x (total of 3!!!) CookieMonster 1 x (total of 3!!!) Pvt. Gill 1 x MSgt. Gearhart 1 x 1stLt. Barry 1 x
  13. Back in the day, when i was not bad :p (NO , i did not camp/roach with the sniper)
  14. MSgt. Small 3 x (total of 3!!!) Sgt. Hull 1 x 1stLt. Larson 2 x CookieMonster BAR 2 x
  15. Wulgaert

    Thank you!

    Hey, First off all, i wanna a Happy new Year to evryone in this Unit. I hope all of you, and the one close to you will have a really good 2020!. Last few weeks, i had some ups and downs (also in this unit), just like this unit had some ups and downs. Me getting trough the rough moments is also cause you guys pulled me trough it. Therefore i wanna thank you guys for unknowinglly putting a smile on my face evry evening, night and morning :p In partically i wanna thank Wilson, Hull, Pardo, Chalk and Crafton for all the hours of talking about fucked up shit in Discord! (But stop talking about dicks, roaches and how your co-worker his parfume smells tho :p ) I feel i connect with you guys the most... Also i wanna thank Larson, The chat we had cause off earlier events opened my eyes alot. You got me to watch things from a different side inside this unit... Marsden, thanks for keeping the server running as good as it can be. And evryone els i didn't mention to keep this Unit a fun and frustrated (THATS FACKING BULLSHIT? THAT HIT YOU!!!!:p) place i can spend my time on. All off you, have a great 2020 and stay healthy!!!!!! Ps. my english is horiblle
  16. Ffc. Flores 1 x (Total of 3!!!) TSgt. Crafton 1 x (Total of 3!!!) 1stSgt. Kanon 1 x Sgt. Anderson 1 x Capt. Magoo 1x
  17. Ssgt. Paul 2 x TSgt. Crafton 1 x Pfc. Flores 1 x Pfc. Chalk 1 x (total of 3!!!) GySgt. Warren 1 x
  18. 2Lt Wilson 2 x (total of 3!!!) Ssgt Pardo 2 x (Total of 3!!!) Pfc Flores 1 x 1stSgt Kanon 1 x Pfc. Shuck 1 x
  19. Sgt. Hull 1x Ssgt. Persson 2 x WO. Samuels 2 x Ssgt. Pardo 1 x Tsgt. Crafton 1 x 2Lt. Wilson 1 x Pfc. Chalk 1 x Tsgt. Keith 1 x Deadchick BAR 1 x Pvt. Friloux 1 x Maj Marsden 1 x
  20. Well, then thats a no go video ;o... Anyway i guess this is just a heads up video then. My apologies
  21. Name: cwbKings.johnwick Steam I.D: [U:1:1007625822] Duration of Ban:not sure Reasons for the Ban: Suspecting he is hacking (wallhacking) Demo Provided?: i think so (specially the part at tend with him knowing someone was behaind the box and the nade in the shed (wich he didnt do all game aside from the moment someone was there. H Comments: I have been suspecting him of hacking for a few days now, he prefires with the K98 alot and sinds he has a bad shot and still pulls off those really fast shots i started watching him Prefiring/walling wick.dem
  22. Wulgaert

    Saying "Hi"

    Hello, I just wanna come say hi on your forum/webpage and present myself. About me: - Belgium (Gent) ==> i suck at english - Real Name = Ulrik - 1991 kid - Use to play alot on your server (in the era "BlameBritton") - i use to be good, now i really suck (can't even get a 1 kd ratio) - Use to be a member in 1st MRB (even a admin as i recall) I havn't played for a few years now but i feel like playing again, i might even join 1st MRB if i can put in the time and if i can handle the weapon ristriction! Thats it for now! I'll hope i can reconnect with you guys and maybe some old grumpy members that i use to know that are still here! See you on the battlefield! Btw i have a dog, a really cute one
  23. Whatever you done to my laptop its creepy IT WORKED!!! TY so much for evry1 who tried to help me!! i appreciate it cause after all i am just a pubber (for now?)
  24. Not my best thing But ye i'll try
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