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Everything posted by schleicher

  1. schleicher


    The 20te LWSD against the 1st MRB gladly to one battle to challenge Unit: 20te LWSD Unit website: http://http://www.20te-lwsd.de/ Teamspeak ts3-14.gamerzhost.de:8014 Contact Information: ( Obfw. Richthofen [20te | LSG] ) Scrim organise CO: Any more questions my id STEAM_0:0:33346872 Obfw. Richthofen [20te | LSG] Scrim Liaison: Server IP: realism Date:15.2 .2013 Time: 22 German clock time Weapon Restrictions: (2 Auto'2 Snipr ,2 Rocket) Players:15v15 Map: kölsch Rules: Motd on Server We look forward to your reply. MFG schleicher
  2. schleicher


    to cancel
  3. schleicher


    it remains at the scrim on 09/22/12
  4. schleicher


    ok 1.Hard-Core-Realismus ? 2.Ordinary Realismus ? which they want to play 1or2 and they confirm the scrim schleicher
  5. schleicher


    The 91llid against the 1st MRB gladly to one battle to challenge Unit: 91llid Unit website: http://www.91te.de TS/ www.91te.de /9987 Contact Information: ( Oblt. Richthofen [91te LLID] ) Scrim organise CO: Any more questions my id STEAM_0:0:33346872 Oblt. Richthofen [91te LLID] Scrim Liaison: Server IP: Hard-core realism to offer / to / or ordinary realism Date: 22.9.2012 Time: 22 German clock time Weapon Restrictions: (2 Auto'2 Snipr ,2 Rocket) Players:15v15 Map: kölsch Rules: Motd on Server We look forward to your reply. MFG schleicher
  6. schleicher


    ok and thank We look forward to meeting you on the battlefield. schleicher
  7. schleicher


    thanks for the quick response We look forward to meeting you on the battlefield. schleicher ps:you can not unfortunately accept this user's friends list is full.
  8. schleicher


    please confirm the scrim since we are planning to have scrims due to high demand for scrims We look forward to your reply. MFG schleicher
  9. schleicher


    The 91llid against the 1st MRB gladly to one battle to challenge Unit: 91llid Unit website: http://www.91tellid.de TS/ www.91tellid.de /9987 Contact Information: ( Oblt. Richthofen [91te LLID] ) Scrim organise CO: Any more questions my id STEAM_0:0:33346872 Oblt. Richthofen [91te LLID] Scrim Liaison: Server IP: Date: 16.6.2012 Time: 22 German clock time Weapon Restrictions: (2 Auto'2 Snipr ,2 Rocket) Players:15v15 Map: kölsch Rules: Motd on Server We look forward to your reply. MFG schleicher
  10. schleicher


    thank you We look forward to your reply.
  11. schleicher


    The 91llid against the 1st MRB gladly to one battle to challenge Unit: 91llid Unit website: http://www.91tellid.de TS/ www.91tellid.de /9987 Contact Information: ( Lt. Richthofen [91te LLID] ) Scrim organise CO: Any more questions my id STEAM_0:0:33346872 Lt. Richthofen [91te LLID] Scrim Liaison: Server IP: Date: make an appointment Time: make an appointment Weapon Restrictions: (2 Auto'2 Snipr 1 MG,2 Rocket) Players:12v12 Map: cean Rules: Motd on Server We look forward to your reply. schleicher
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