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About Thomas2

  • Birthday 07/20/1995

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  • Location
    Cumberland, Maryland

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  1. Thomas2

    Quote Thread

    No... lol
  2. Thomas2

    Quote Thread

    WO. N. Hall [1st MRB]: question Cpl. D. Thomas [1st MRB] PB: Yes? WO. N. Hall [1st MRB]: you able to get on vent for a sex WO. N. Hall [1st MRB]: sec WO. N. Hall [1st MRB]: lol Cpl. D. Thomas [1st MRB] PB: AHAHAHAHAHA Cpl. D. Thomas [1st MRB] PB: So going onto qoute thread WO. N. Hall [1st MRB]: ass Cpl. D. Thomas [1st MRB] PB: HAHAHAHA WO. N. Hall [1st MRB]: ass Cpl. D. Thomas [1st MRB] PB: HAHAHAHA
  3. Who Won? (In your own opinion)
  4. Do you know how HARD it is not to vote for myself. lol. Definitely Maines. (after me ;D)
  5. I'm not going to lie being in the military has it challenges but being an SF member definitely takes a lot of training and skill to become a SF operator
  6. By far an awesome TV show I wish their was more!!!
  7. There is only one season of this. But i still think it is a great show and i still watch it quite a lot.
  8. I <3 Forums. I <3 1st MRB
  9. WoT obviously best free game ever made. EVER
  10. Germany obviously best country ever. EVER!!!!!!!!!! Your logic is invalid as you are speaking to permanent unit retard and i have a jewfro.
  11. Grammar Nazi reporting in! You spelled Coming wrong it's Coming not "comming"
  12. -1 with this comments. lol jk
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