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O'Gara 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by O'Gara 1st MRB

  1. You do have your right to practice your religious beliefs.... but that doesnt mean I effin have to practice them. Just because you dont believe I should be married to my wife doesnt mean that I shouldnt be allowed to. I dont believe that you should be allowed to tell me what to do based on YOUR religion - yet herein lies the problem. I never asked you to follow any of my beliefs. My beliefs are my own and have no bearing on you at all. I don't make the laws. Ultimately the voters of the State make the laws through their elected representatives. Also, I absolutely want you to be with anyone your want and who makes you happy. A civil union is the exact same thing as marriage, it is simply a different WORD. Before you mince words again, I believe same sex unions should have all of the protections as marriage. I will vote for legislation that gives civil unions all of the protections as married people get. Funny how you state I don't want you to be married I guess I just dont understand why it makes a difference to you whether or not I am married because as long as YOU arent married to a dude then you are practicing your religious beliefs. And thankfully, I live in a state where I am free and I AM married to a female and I am DAMN PROUD to have an awesome loving amazing wife. It matters to me because in my faith "marriage" is between a man and a woman. Changing that definition upsets a lot of people. Let the intolerance and ignorance continue through the generations... You obviously don't know me or have not taken the time to read what I believe in. This is the most disturbing part of your post. You seem to want to make me the enemy when I am for 99.9% of what you want. If you had read what I believe in, in my post, you would know that i do not believe in intolerance or ignorance, nor would i teach it to my children. Keep on isolating those that support most of what you actually want and you will find yourself alone. It is interesting how you want your beliefs respected but somehow you’re going to shit on mine? Im not saying that I think kids should be sat down and taught about sex or gay sex or anything like that (or even that being gay is ok if thats not what your religion teaches) but tolerance... that would be nice. Hiding things from a kid (or preaching against something) is what makes them act like ignorant fools later on in life. Well that is not what the LGBT agenda thinks. And before you say you’re not speaking for LGBT, you post a link directly from their website. They have been trying to get Gay Scout Masters in the Boy Scouts & Cub Scouts for as long as I have been a member (over 8 years). They feel that teaching sex and gay sexual orientation to Cub Scouts is needed. We are talking about 6-10 year old kids that they feel need to be taught sexual orientation. This is overbearing and wrong. No one but parents should be having that conversation with their kids when they feel the kids are mature enough. Sorry if I am argumentative on this one O'Gara but this is directly related to my life and who I am as a person and it pisses me off when people try to tell me how I should live my life based on their beliefs.... Well I don't think it is argumentative, I do think it is a little disrespectful for you to state that I am continuing the teaching of ignorance and intolerance towards my children. Again if you read what I believe in, you would see that ignorance and intolerance is not something I believe in. You and I see eye to eye on this point. I have had the sexual orientation talk with my son who is 14. I have explained to him that people are born gay and there is nothing wrong with that at all. As a soon to be Eagle Scout, he knows the importance of standing up for those that are bullied for any reason. He also knows that if one day he realizes that he is in fact gay, absolutely nothing will change in our family, period. I have lost a daughter. I will be dammed if I would ever lose my son or daughter to anything, especially biological sexual orientation! My beliefs are directly related to my life and it pisses me off when someone tries to tell me what I should think or do! It pisses me off even more when a movement has an agenda to intervene in my parenting. I am not saying you personally have pissed me off, you have not. The only thing I argue for is tolerance and freedom... I dont give two shits if you like gay people or believe in gay marriage... you have the right to be free and and have your opinions tolerated just as much as I do, I respect your religious beliefs, and I am not going to try and change your mind about them... just dont tell me how I should live my life based on them. Did you even read the first paragraph of my post? I believe in your right to be gay! In your right to be protected in your employment. In your right to settle down with your partner and have all of the rights that I have in marriage. You should have all of the rights and protections that any other person that is married. I just believe that when same sex people marry it be called a civil union and not marriage due to my religious beliefs. If you want to make me out to be a dirt bag or intolerant person for wanting 99.9% of what you yourself want, then so be it. That all being said, I have not taken anything here personally and I hope you do the same. It is always healthy to debate issues. We are not going to agree on everything.
  2. He was really a master. I am amazed at the ping pong and matches.
  3. Heresy, you don't have poor taste. I wonder if it is a real interaction. The mother does not sound pissed to be wakened at 5:30 AM due to her kid. The kid sticks around and talks about getting in trouble instead his system powering off. Also how did he get the kids name. It is a big leap to go from having a first name and city and state on a profile, to being able to Google that and get a full name.
  4. First let me state that I believe that all people should be treated equally. I do not care what consenting adults do in the privacy of their own homes. I am 100% in favor of same sex civil unions and equal protection under the law and employment. I believe in same sex civil unions but not Gay marriage. Sorry if that is not PC, marriage is defined by my religion and it is my right to practice my religious beliefs. I do however have a huge problem when ANY group wants to preach and teach to my minor children, especially about sex. It is my job to teach my children and to determine when my children are mature enough to understand complex sexual orientations and relationships. I pay a lot of money each and every year to have my kids schooled privately to maintain this right. This article is fear mongering. If this bill passed tomorrow I absolutely doubt that gay couples would be left on the road to die or could not get a decent meal at Denny's (like a gay couple would be caught dead in Denny's, they would surely go to IHOP). CNN has a good piece on the law http://www.cnn.com/2014/02/13/us/kansas-bi...rss_mostpopular House Bill 2453 explicitly protects religious individuals, groups and businesses that refuse services to same-sex couples, particularly those looking to tie the knot. They want to prevent religious individuals and organizations from getting sued, or otherwise punished, for not providing goods or services to gay couples -- or for not recognizing their marriages or committed relationship as valid. (This is in a State where gay marriage is not legal.) What the law states: HB 2453 is titled "An act concerning religious freedoms with respect to marriage" and covers many bases. It reads, in part: "No individual or religious entity shall be required by any governmental entity to do any of the following, if it would be contrary to the sincerely held religious beliefs of the individual or religious entity regarding sex or gender: "Provide any services, accommodations, advantages, facilities, goods, or privileges; provide counseling, adoption, foster care and other social services; or provide employment or employment benefits, related to, or related to the celebration of, any marriage, domestic partnership, civil union or similar arrangement." Anyone who turns away a gay couple not only can't face a civil suit, but if anyone tries to sue, they could get nailed with the other side's legal fees. There are some small concession in the bill to gay couples. If an employee at a nonreligious or government business refuses to serve a gay or lesbian couple for religious reasons, the manager is obligated to find another employee who will oblige. It also explicitly says that the law does not authorize discrimination against anyone, including clergy, who performs or supports same-sex unions. This law looks like it is protecting religious people and business from being sued for standing by their beliefs and refusing service, which is again their constitutional right (individuals and business owners). Furthermore, they are looking for protection from being sued for complying with the laws that are in place NOW in Kansas. I really do not think this is a law designed to allow for Statewide discrimination of Gay people. I believe any person has the right NOT to perform a task that is against what they fundamentally believe in. If they have a job that puts them in that situation, they need to get another job. If a waitress does not want to serve a gay couple due to religious reasons then that is her right, just like it is the right of the gay couple to be served. The waitress would be a little stupid because her job depends on happy customers. She would surely be inconsiderate of the couples feelings. There are no laws stating you have to be nice and pleasant and considerate. You can not trample one persons legal right for another persons legal right. The law specifically makes it an obligation of nonreligious or government businesses to make sure that service is provided. Please don't quote and engage in a debate, I am not looking for it. I just wanted to post another side of the issue. Also, this is an informal post, that was typed while watching the Olympics. I don't care if it has some misspellings and grammar and usage issues. Grammar and usage police go away! Thanks,
  5. Not to make this a flame war or anything, especially since I respect you very much Giraffe. We can know what type of father he was and who he was in private life, based solely on his actions. He was separated from his long time partner and his children due to the addiction. He in fact missed picking up his children that morning. His missing that pick up was the genesis of his partner asking a friend to check up on him. Shooting up all night (even if he did not die) is surely not the type of "father of the year" behavior. 50 packets of heroin in your apartment with kids coming over? I completely agree addiction is fucked up. It is not disrespectful or judging to say his life was wasted and that the pain he caused his children will haunt them for the rest of their lives. It is simply the truth.
  6. North to South pooping is the correct answer. In fact, I had my toilet ripped out and replaced when I found out the developer put it in east to west. What the hell was he thinking? In all honesty, my master bath crapper is actually aligned with the bowl facing south and the tank facing north. This is pretty funny. But at least i am completely "regular". JP
  7. I wish my room reservation comes with the toilet models!!!!!!!!!!!! P.S. Does anyone else question the sexuality of Putin with all his shirt off prancing around pictures? He is really gay and that is why he is banning gay people because they lead to him prancing around shirtless, Correct?
  8. Good to hear you made it out pretty much unscathed. I know you did not have the seat belt bruise BUT did you have the skid mark in the undies? JP
  9. I agree the rate of fire is way more impressive that what I can get by just hitting the left mouse button. Many of the shots are just good positioning and anticipation of whet they will usually be. If I could get that rate of fire I would never need to use the rocked except being out of carbine ammo. JP
  10. P.S. I want my 2 hours and 45 minutes back!
  11. Actually Brown, Bill Nye gave a litany of things that would have to happen before (WE) not (he) would change his opinion. Exactly 206:10 he stated WE need just one piece of evidence. He started out with the fossils from one sedimentary layer existing in another layer and then went on to list evidence that the universe is not expanding and also the Planets that appear to be far away when they are not (creationist theory) and then he went with rock layers that formed in 4000 years . Thus, in order to change Bill Nye's opinion you would have to knock down every one of his scientific "domino's". Ken on the other hand has his beliefs and is not budging, something that is rare in this world. I think it is fair to say that both of these gentlemen's beliefs are set in granite and are not changing. In the end they both made very good points and held their own. I don't believe Ken ever said that creationism is unequivocally correct. In fact, creationists are completely transparent and state that their beliefs are based upon the Bible. He states that Evolutionists can do experimental and observation science. The problem exists when they fill in the gaps with historical science that are based upon assumptions and constants that they assume existed all the while through sequence of the time period. Hence the fact that carbon dating is somewhat inconclusive and that there are hundreds of ways to date something all giving hundreds of different answers. As a religious person my hurdle is the fact that the earth is 6,000 years old. It is clear to me that the earth is older and in the billions of years. Maybe the translation of the Bible was incorrect and when they said it took 6 days it really meant 6 billion years. LOL. JP
  12. I started playing when they chiseled the code into granite and ran around quickly to give the appearance of movement. Talk about your hit boxes back then.
  13. Ultra I love how you know what I was thinking. LOL I stated the add is someone pushing an agenda. I also stated that I am offended to have the National Anthem sung in other languages. It would not offend me enough to protest anything. This was in direct response to the "god save the Queen" and "O Canada" reference to being sung in different languages. I then state how that add would have been better. In retrospect, I should have stated how the add would have been better before I said I am offended by having the National Anthem sung in different languages. At no time did I say that add was the National Anthem. In fact, Holland made the point early on (within a few posts) that the add was America the Beautiful AND not the National Anthem. As a Scout leader for the last 8 years I know our National Anthem.
  14. If you are talking about my post you are missing something. The original post was about America the Beautiful. The subsequent post then brought it up a notch to "god Save the Queen" and "O Canada" which I believe are their countries National Anthem. My post was about how offended I would be if our National Anthem were to be sung in different languages and thus my Olympic note. JP
  15. The rampant spelling and grammatical errors makes me question your point. Yeah I tried in the beginning but quickly got bored. The point has been made though. This is a not an editorial page it is a forum post.
  16. I was and still am a very big fan of the guy. I don't care about any of the work he could have done. As a father, it tears me up that this guy who had all of the privilege and money his career could offer, wasted it at the end of a needle. I know all of the people that will say "well drugs are horrible", and that is true. If you have an addiction then don't fucking have children. He has destroyed his children's lives. He probably has been causing them pain for a long time and now the final death blow (literally and figuratively) I know the next argument is "how can a junkie have the common sense to not have a family"? Apparently his addiction did not cloud his movie choices and his ability to work and put out Oscar nominations (2 since his relapse) as well as his directorial debuts in Sundance. I don't know but my heart aches for his kids that he chose Heroin over them for. Sometimes Life SUCKS! JP
  17. This is a perfect example of someone pushing their personal agenda in this ad. First off this add is in poor taste. I am offended buy singing my National Anthem in other languages. Am I offended to the point of protest? No. This add would have been 100% better if they played it in English and then had all of the pictures and videos of the people from different nationalities that make up this great Country. This great Country was a melting pot of diverse nationalities who came here and blended into America. Becoming American meant learning the language, the Pledge of Allegiance and the National Anthem, in English. Other nationalities took PRIDE in learning English and becoming citizens of our Country. Today many people want to come to America and get all of the freedoms and benefits that this Country has to offer but say FUCK YOU to blending in. They are lazy and want to make no changes, they just want to take everything we have to offer. They expect that we will put street signs and highway signs in their language to make it easier for them. Every document and add you see should be in their language. You go to a store to buy a lamp and the freaking directions are in 5 separate languages. How much does that cost that lamp company to produce those directions even if they only sell in the USA? Anyone that thinks this is ridiculous, think about this. We are about to have the Olympic Games in Russia. When your country competes and your athletes win the gold, silver and bronze and are up at that podium. How would you feel if instead of your National Anthem, in your language, they played your anthem in Russian, German, English, Spanish or Chinese. Would you be offended? Yes you would! JP
  18. Slacking off = the Russians attacking and taking over America
  19. Thank you all! 48 is going to be Great!!!!!!!!!!!!! JP
  20. Is someone being a brown noser?
  21. Is it me or does the saying "a group of lads" pretty much pin point where you live? I am going with Great Britian!
  22. Let's not put too much pressure on him Wells! Let's start him off with something easy like....... Happy Birthday or Ring around the rosie or The A, B, C song
  23. I really have to stop talking in game! LOL
  24. Awesome!
  25. what was that all abooot?
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