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O'Gara 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by O'Gara 1st MRB

  1. Do you air mail? What state and town are you in! JP
  2. Yum!
  3. Awesome! Now start cranking out those babies! LOL JP
  4. Happy Birthday!
  5. I think my vagina just fell out.
  6. Wow, You have no first hand knowledge and no real Life experience and you somehow think you are the smartest person in the room. Your not. Every counter point you made is basically made up of "i know you are but what am I". At least I give you defined detailed examples. You simply say "no your wrong". I tell you about my direct knowledge of the events at one of the biggest health care companies in the world and you bring up your aunt who happens to work at some small time alliance, who just happens to support your "conspiracy theory" and then actually tells you off the cuff, that they did not need to raise prices, that they are gouging their customers. Wow how bloody convenient. Did she take you into her garage and tell you to get into the car and turn the radio up real loud to make sure the people that are listening in on the microphones could not hear your conversation? Where did you come up with Premier being a healthcare provider, everything on its own website states it is a provider of cost savings TO health care providers and Hospitals. They are supply chain and data gathering. Not one place on their own website shows any healthcare plans or enrollment in individual plans. Your exact words, (Very interesting how she told me that Premier, which has also increased their premiums, didn't need too do so.) What premiums did they raise since they don't provide health care plans, they are a provider of supply chain and data gathering to hospitals and health care plans? Let me tell you one simple thing. When I share with you my real life situation it is the gods honest truth. I don't bullshit for the sake of hearing myself talk. I don't bullshit for the sake of trying to win an argument, especially since this is an opinion section and not a debate section of the forums. Your Premier Healthcare alliance is like some pee wee football league compared to the pro's. Correction they are not even in the league! P.S. All political candidates raise money and have money on hand to pay to rent buses and provide food. They simply all got together and pooled their resources to get their message out. No big boogie man behind the curtain pulling levers and strings. Please do not respond to this post because it will be my last back and forth with you on this issue. If I wanted to argue with a brick wall I will just go out front and argue with my front wall. Peace out. JP
  7. Thank God she was not down around the Capital building cause it could have ended badly for her. What to soon? OR She just got GTA 5 and just jacked a car a block away..The cops in GTA 5 are crazy good shooters..I would have run too.... JP
  8. Sold!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. Yes but still sexy...you can admit it!!!!!!!!!! JP
  10. As you all know Greg Visca is doing a full years missionary work in the USA. He will be State to State and town to town. I think this would be a great opportunity to keep track of him on his travels. I will keep in touch with Greg and see where he will be going next and hopefully he will visit different unit members in the State he is visiting. I will start first. Greg was getting training for his work in West Chester Pa and that is 40 minutes away. So I hopped in the car and drove up and had lunch with him. We went to this great burger place called Buddy's burger and fries. After Lunch we went to the Iron Hill Brewery next door for some beers! It was a great time catching up with him Here is the picture. I am the good looking one in the polo shirt! JP
  11. The funny thing is that so many of the countries would love to see the USA go bankrupt and break up into individual states/countries, who worry about themselves and don't care about the global issues. They forget that the only thing from keeping the wolf at bay is the USA. If this were to happen the rest of the world would see what Russia and China are really like.
  12. Sadly this was most likely a poor woman that got lost and went the wrong way. She actually was able to drive down the road to the White House because the initial barriers were down ( they sink into the ground when they want vehicles to drive by and are raised up to block vehicles access. Thus someone fucked up by leaving them down which allowed her to drive right on by. When she got down to the formal barriers she tried to turn around and was confronted by a SS agent. When the SS agent tried to stop her she freaked and bolted. The agent was actually rolled off of her hood. From all accounts they had her boxed in with other cars. I understand about terrorism but they still have to try to apprehend. I really do not think they had to shoot her. JP
  13. Aah, Canadians arguing American politics. What your not understanding is our founders set up a government with these checks and balances so that one party can not control everything. The Senate and Congress are made up of politicians who are elected by the people of their states and or congressional districts. Blame is an easy thing. You want to blame the tea party? Why? The tea party representatives are duly elected and they were sent to Washington precisely to do what they are doing. They want to end big government programs such as Obama-care and stop the open check system that is bankrupting this country. Every new social program adds to the 16 Trillion in debt. This is not our debt...It is our children's and grandchildren's debt. Future generations of Americans will have 3rd world poverty, if we do not get rid of the trillions in debt. The Tea party got elected by promising to fight against all of this. It is refreshing to see politicians actually do what they promised come hell or high water. I am not a Tea Party supporter but at least they do what they say. Consequently they are telling the GOP leadership that if they cave to the Democrats on these issues they will work at the local level to oust those republicans. I have no issue with these guys, they are doing what they said they would do. Blame the GOP? The republican party (which is my party) has lost its way and continues to act like Custer at Little Bighorn. The shutdown is not a fight they can win. It will end eventually and they will bear the blame and lose seats as a result of it, unless they end it in a day or two. The American people have a short memory. What they are doing now is asinine because losing seats will only add more Democrats to the congress and Senate and allow them to pass more legislation that will saddle us in more debt. They are so afraid to lose their seats they will blindly allow the Tea party to run the show here which will only damage the GOP. They can not even realize they are being used, being made to take the blame and making it easier for the tea party to get them unseated while getting their own candidates elected to those seats. I wish they would simply end this for the good of the American people and then get together and reorganize their platform and base stick only to that platform. Family values, small government, no taxes, etc. Blame the Democrats? I do blame the democrats because many of them went on record stating they voted for Obama-care without even reading the bill. They blindly voted for trillions in debt. That one is priceless. The White house, Congress and Senate all should not be exempted from Obama-care. They should all be the first applicants. By God if they were, this legislation would have never passed, they have a level of health insurance that none of us will ever get. How have the American people not rebelled on the fact that they have better coverage than what they are MANDATING to the rest of us? Yet alas, they are only doing what they promised. They have an agenda and because they have the White House and the Senate they have the upper hand. The bottom line our system is not broken. It was set up to work this way. What we really need is good politicians who will do what they promise and not do whatever they need to do to keep their job. More importantly, politics is about reaching across the isle and compromising on things to get what you need. Anyone that thinks this is about Obama is wrong, the Democrats did the same thing for Bush and the republicans tried to do the same thing for Clinton. Some time during the Clinton years politicians went into their bunkers and never came out. This is what has to change. JP
  14. I have been a fan of his work since The hunt for Red October. I have read everything that he has penned. This is a big loss to those who love the Spy/Military thrillers. Recently he pretty much retired after finding a handful of up and coming writers that he started co-authoring books with. Thus he made sure there were many authors that he approved of continuing his type of writing. JP
  15. Great ending. Wrapped up everything. But is he dead? lol I love how he went there to kill them all and himself and when he saw Jesse he tried to save his life. Priceless!
  16. Those 5 guitars are the only ones in the country.
  17. Happy B-Day!
  18. Name: I am scott Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:72386785 Duration of Ban: 1 day Reasons for the Ban: multiple TK's many warnings Demo Provided?: Y/N n Comments:
  19. Thank you. By the way when i made that gumbo I used your suggestion on adding the eggs and my kids ate everyone of them. Thanks for the suggestion it will be in every gumbo I make from now on. JP
  20. tried to do it earlier but it didn't work. I can upload the .dem file tomorrow if someone else is willing to do it or if someone wants to talk me through the process that would also be good. I too do not want the recording of Parker Cell: O'Gara To-Shovel to remain unreleased. Takel, if you upload it I will hire a midget to knock on your front door and when you answer the door he will kick you in the balls!
  21. Its true Johnson, but the repeated voice commands with no response, not even a turn around and look, is what makes it so funny! Candy eat a dick! I thought he was spamming the commands from the front nose of the plane! FU ALL (except command staff) lol I got promoted after that! LOL Johnson your my new favorite unit member! All kidding aside where is the morale office? lol JP
  22. I would have started the post wishing you a happy B day but they might have realized we are sleeping together! Happy B-Day man your one of the reasons I joined this unit! JP
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