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Mottola 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Mottola 1st MRB

  1. I would play again
  2. I’m pretty sure you’re one of the few people that looks how you sound lol the handlebar stash is the culmination of the look lol
  3. Enjoyed Death of Stalin a lot! In would recommend Reservoir Dogs, Tombstone, Many Saints of Newark (if you like The Sopranos) and the new Suicide Squad!
  4. I was playing last night with Tom and Patrick and it a lot of fun. It feels like left 4 dead with a new spin on it. I do recommend it especially if you have the Game Pass
  5. Looking to download Back 4 Blood tonight. Anyone getting it or have it?
  6. Let’s give a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Capt. Samules!!! How old are you now? 86? Lol enjoy the day bud!
  7. Everyone and no one actually.
  8. Sorry for your loss Brother. The morale office is here if you need us. I can’t imagine what you’re going though but if you need someone to talk to just message me in discord or the forums and I’ll be here for you!
  9. Who are you again?
  10. Might as well add some more recent ones of me. I’m the guy holding up the little dude lol. Those are some of the other supervisors I work with. And then some pics of the wife and I on vacation in Aruba.
  11. Awesome job!!! And to fielding, TW is not allowed on our server lol
  12. Welcome back! Congrats on getting married! hopefully we see you around more!
  13. Sturm, Stug and Donner Extended
  14. Name: Rozalh01 Steam I.D: STEAM_:1:863138911 Reasons for the Ban: Multiple Intentional TKs Recommended duration of ban: 1 Week Demo Provided?: N
  15. Usually around midnight eastern
  16. So tarkov just wiped and 1stLt. Barry and I are back into playing. If anyone else has EFT and would like to play let us know! We like running a 3-4 man squad but are will to do full 5 mans!
  17. Might as well update mine. Here’s me and my little one.
  18. Me, Barry and an old MRB Member Travis Brown play together. Message Barry and he will fill you in
  19. The term winner is used loosely here lol
  20. Me: Ha! Parker you died! Parker: That's gonna be said at my funeral
  21. Thanks Thanks Parker I could actually use a new background and some banners for my schedule, PayPal and that stuff.
  22. hey guys some of you know me and a lot of new people don't but im retired MSgt. Mottola and ive been streaming on twitch. I play games with Samuels and some old MRB members and from time to time i get in some dayz with Marsden. Feel free to check out the channel and tune into the streams! thanks in advance! Channel: Twitch.tv/mrmottola
  23. We would need to set up sniper positions on the north eastern hill and on the western hill of the airfield beforehand. We would also need to set up shorter range reinforcements to be ready to move in case of a bad deal. Depending on who we are going against we would want to set up in the motor pool building and possibly keep someone I Krasno to pick out aproching targets
  24. Made it to the tents with a little help from samuels. Added a mosin, suppressed ump and we cooked some food. I also took some 7.62x39 ammo. There is also now .308 win ammo in there now and more 9mm and .380 aouto
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