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Mottola 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Mottola 1st MRB

  1. Made one Is He Dead? Kill an enemy with a headshot using a rocket
  2. Red is the Best Color Paint 100 walls with the blood spray of your enemies
  3. This isnt Call of Duty! I don't think this one is possible. It is in fact possible
  4. Polish That Brass! (Salute a total of 100 officers entering the pub)
  5. I just finished the book "The Longest Winter" about this platoon. It was an I&R platoon that was ordered to hold the line at all costs. Them and 4 artillery observers held the line until all they had was their knives. They were finally captured by the Germans but they virtually crippled Col. Pipers SS Panzer advance to N-23, the main Belgian highway. They were marched and moved to multiple camps and were freed by the 4th Armored's Capt. Baum and his task force. Unfortunately they all where recaptured and sent back to the camps to be freed during the allied advance into Germany.
  6. "Is this normal?" "Don't be rude"
  7. Agreed. I wana see who he chooses to fight for him (probably will be Jamie).
  8. YERRRRRRR Everyone drink! Chug your drink everytime Barry says "BALALALALALALAL" and chug for however long he says it
  9. The title of this post is very depressing lol but Haooy Birthday!
  10. Everytime someone says Yerrrrr you take a shot
  11. Im excited for this show
  12. This is too funny lol
  13. Can we make this an actual template? Please? Happy birthday Magoo!
  14. I have it. My clan is called The News Team if you guys wana join
  15. you are the reason i listen to Sabaton now lol
  16. Yeah that seems about right. So far this year i feel that TitanFall was my favorite for a new game.
  17. I like the idea of Kevin Spacey in this cause he is awesome in House of Cards and is a great actor but i don't know if I'm feeling this one.
  18. I want this. Now!
  19. So yeah I already have this game preordered
  20. That's insane I would hate to live like that.
  21. Stop spamming!!!! Lol
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