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Mottola 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Mottola 1st MRB

  1. He put it in the right hole this time lol
  2. So like I said, you cook meth Shhh no one is allowed to know... ^^ Dude i just want some lol
  3. That is the fattest cat I have ever seen...HOW ADORABLE! I like how there's a dog tag on his collar lol. Probably cause the cat one doesn't fit lol he's sitting there like "feed me or get the fuck out of my face lol"
  4. So like I said, you cook meth
  5. Same here... I played this so much! I loved mortaring people....muhahahhhhhaaahhhhh! You're a sick man
  6. SMILE... you are so cute when you smile! But I don't wanannnnnnnn lol So you cook meth?
  7. More Stones? We are doomed!! Congrats though!
  8. I just watched the first episode with some friends and we all have no idea what's going on
  9. I can't wait for this and Doom 4 (Which will just be called "Doom")
  10. This is my dog Maximus. He is a full blue nose pitbull and he is the biggest mush you'll ever meet. He was found chained to a fence by my dad's old prescient. Two patrol officers found him and brought him to the station. My dad walked in and saw him and started playing with him before heading up to his office to change (he was in his gym clothes). He grew attached and took Max home with him. We have had him for about 3 1/2 years and he is only 4 years old.
  11. Congrats Ultra!!!!
  12. I'll have you know that I am very familiar with Lawnogropy and will be able to pinpoint that exact lawn
  13. i like it! lol good work barry
  14. Thats a lot of dead people
  15. i laughed lol that was pretty funny
  16. Japan (12) USA (46) Mexico (18) Canada (10) England (35) Norway (43) Sweden (49) Finland (6) Germany (21)
  17. This is about a month old. I no longer have the beard lol
  18. Japan (15) USA (44) Mexico (18) Canada (12) England (33) Norway (42) Sweden (47) Finland (8) Germany (21)
  19. I do, its quite a bit longer now. You look like a penis
  20. Japan (15) USA (43) Mexico (18) Canada (13) England (32) Norway (42) Sweden (46) Finland (10) Germany (21)
  21. I'm in CT too we say a lot of weird shit. Like MAD is our version of Wicked which is New Englands slang for cool/good. I have heard ESL before and as someone who's first language isn't English it can kind of be insulting but then again I don't get easily offended over dumb stuff. Yeah I don't care for CT much lol I prefer my home town of Brooklyn. But I have met some Cool people here
  22. It fits cause toilet joind the unit
  23. He disappeared because he hated you Mottola. No!!! It can't be true!!! Just accept it? Pretty funny video Nope I refuse
  24. He disappeared because he hated you Mottola. No!!! It can't be true!!!
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