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Mottola 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Mottola 1st MRB

  1. Parker, can you bring back jones please? Lol
  2. Damnit! Where is my cardboard box?!?!?
  3. And Cannon wins
  4. Call it Sex. Cause that's what it will be
  5. been listing to this today
  6. <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/3l2NeCiP8b8?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> NSFW? I'm going to say that it is NSFW unless bodies being turned inside out from explosions are okay Depends on where you work
  7. They are back
  9. God damnit! Don't toy with my hopes and dreams like that
  10. Japan (20) USA (34) Mexico (19) Canada (20) England (26) Norway (36) North Korea (11) Sweden (37) Finland (16) Germany (21)
  11. Japan (20) USA (32) Mexico (19) Canada (20) England (25) Norway (37) North Korea (13) Sweden (37) Finland (16) Germany (21)
  12. I have no idea what that means in terms of an insult or not lol But slang is different depending on where you live or go. By my school in CT we say something is "slow" meaning we aren't gonna do it or we aren't going. Example: "Do you want to go to the store?" "It's slow for that"
  13. Japan (20) USA (30) Mexico (19) Canada (19) Russia (4) England (24) Norway (28) North Korea (17) Sweden (29) Finland (19) Germany (22) China (9)
  14. Japan (21) USA (28) Mexico (19) Canada (21) Russia (13) England (22) Norway (20) North Korea (18) Sweden (23) Finland (19) Germany (20) China (16)
  15. Japan (20) USA (24) Mexico (19) Canada (20) Russia (16) England (22) Norway (20) North Korea (19) Sweden (22) Finland (20) Germany (20) China (18)
  16. I tried to play it but I have a problem with my game where it always crashed after 5 min
  17. these are too funny lol
  18. Gotta love Arnold
  19. Please tell me you watched the little thing follow the beats as well!! and i love this i saved it on my phone last time i heard it. This is a little more rockish i thinks Halestorm and In This Moment are awesome bands
  20. Wow McDowell, just wow..... Gayyyyyyyy lol
  21. I want to play this game
  22. Go to katz deli or listen to Magoo. If you make your way to Brooklyn you can go to Brennan and Carr or L&B. There is also Vergal's in the city and Old Homestead.
  23. Can't forget the Ricochet
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