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Mottola 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Mottola 1st MRB

  1. happy birthday bud!
  2. A breathtaking view of the stone beast in its natural habitat! ....the horse was probably the most entertaining to hide. I did enjoy the teamwork of making inviting scenes, perhaps the MRB has a future in interior decorating?? HOLD THE BRIDGE! Lafy and i hid as horses for a few min and should have been found instantly. A lot of people ran past us lol
  3. Me talking to 1stSgt Brown about filling the pub 1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: know what else is empty? SSgt. A. Mottola [1st MRB]: your balls? 1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: y...your face....ew.. what. dont talk about my balls being empty. that's weird. SSgt. A. Mottola [1st MRB]: i win 1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: you're now ballmaster5000, not assmaster SSgt. A. Mottola [1st MRB]: okay lol 1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: wtf, i google ballmaster 5000 and a bunch of fuckin watches come up SSgt. A. Mottola [1st MRB]: lmaoooo wtf! 1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: SOLID BALL Master Engineer Chronometer 1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: hahahaah SSgt. A. Mottola [1st MRB]: mother of god! 1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: not bad watrches either 1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: pretty SSgt. A. Mottola [1st MRB]: i dont want one 1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: course not 1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: you ARE one 1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: watches don't wear other watches. they waer people SSgt. A. Mottola [1st MRB]: im posting this on the quote thread 1stSgt. T. Brown [1st MRB]: you WOULD
  4. That's a good way to wake up
  5. What is this pride thing you speak of?
  6. I want this
  7. Name: wtf bad Steam I.D: STEAM_0:0:33612728 Duration of Ban: Permenant Reasons for the Ban: Obvious use of aimbot Demo Provided?: N, Pft. Little, 1stLt. Swartz, TSgt. Cannon and Cpl. Heresy were all in the server and can verify Comments: He was using an obvious aimbot and wes jerking to players heads imediatly. There was no reaction delay and he knew where everyone was while aiming down sights.
  8. I'm sober today was intoxicated last night. Happy St. Patricks Day!
  9. GySgt. Kirk "Hall, what are you on your period?" 1stLt. Hall "Yes, yes i am"
  10. I'm not really into these games but this looks interesting
  11. You're a sick man stone
  12. I say make a poster for the forums out of that!
  13. "If it feels like a fleshy thermometer, then its probably not a thermometer" - Pfc. K. Lloyd
  14. Winning my first realism. Although ive won others in the past, my first here was the best
  15. Ayden Mazzooon.... Dafuq?
  16. Vicktor you should join us some time
  17. Add me as well: Capt_Motts
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