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Mottola 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Mottola 1st MRB

  1. It's different so it should be good. It is always fun to see how different movies interpret the joker
  2. I'm guessing the carpet doesn't match the drapes
  3. Name: Andrew Mottola Rank: GySgt Type of issue: (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure) Vent Brief Description of Issue: My vent continues to disconnect even when i have internet connection. I was on the pub playing and i did not experience any lag nor did i disconnect from the pub but i continued to disconnect from vent. I have vent running as an admin. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Researching Pending Reply Resolved Unresolved Main Technician: Supporting Technician:
  4. I have no idea what is going on and I don't like it
  5. So, who is ready to relive their childhood and or teen years and crush some hell spawn?
  6. *proceeds to throw you under said bus*
  7. Blame Tom for making me play Leauge
  8. Me: Parker, what graphics card do you use? Parker: Grocery Store?! Me: No, Graphics card
  9. I'll save that plot for when we do build a wall cause the wall may stretch further than that plot so there is no sense in building something now when we aren't ready for the bridge and wall
  10. Lol okay. I'm really not using them. I might keep one but there are still two you guys can take if needed
  11. Press space to open parachute. From Parker's Book of GTA
  12. Since it is a midevil theme wouldn't the barracks and armory be in the castle? Nah there would be a barracks for soldiers to live and train that is outside the castle. Usually in the courtyard or nearby. A barracks was definitely something we were going to add in the future, I have had an idea of how to build it and I've been meaning to do so since we built the castle. I might even start working on it tonight and if not, for sure this week. I've been hesitant to build anymore communal buildings because I wanted to see how our residents treat Camelot (i.e. are people replacing what they take, are they farming, etc..). There seems to be someone vandalizing Camelot and I'm not sure who it is yet, I hope it's not an MRB member. Someone is going around breaking blocks and killing animals (only cows, probably for the leather) and they are not fixing it... Agreed. Once everything is secure and we can trust our members we will follow your lead sir. If you want I have three plots of land on the towns edge that you guys can use for it. When I get home tonight I can sign them over to the town and you guys can begin working
  13. Since it is a midevil theme wouldn't the barracks and armory be in the castle?
  14. im not that experienced with late game content in the game, but if you have questions about it, i found these quite informative: Crafting: Crafting Wiki Enchanting: Enchanting Wiki Brewery: Brewing Wiki i think you bought the one next to me? if you did, then it was Reis plot. he moved a few plots to the north and made his own town. If you follow the northriver for a 1-2 minutes you will see it quite easily Yes it was his house. It is now my house.
  15. I also bought someone's plot that couldn't pay rent. It is an already built house and what not so if anyone wants it let me know and I will sell it to you or just give it to you cause I really don't need it all. It's three plots long Edit: if Parker or Yama want to take the land and create something for the town by all means. One plot is on the river so you can make a fishing but if you like
  16. Shall we become the Nights Watch? And if so I call dibs on Lord Commander
  17. Just got it and it is awesome! Fun game played with McDowell and Demonhunter and it is a great time! Whoever has it let me know and we can get some games going!
  18. So I just saw this and got really excited. And then i saw the April fools and wanted to throw my computer
  19. Japan (21) USA (26) Mexico (19) Canada (20) Russia (11) England (19) Norway (18) North Korea (29) Sweden (23) Finland (20) Germany (25) China (9)
  20. Japan (20) USA (23) Mexico (20) Canada (20) Russia (14) England (19) Norway (18) North Korea (29) Sweden (23) Finland (20) Germany (23) China (11)
  21. Why is Kev not on this list?
  22. So far season 3 is awesome!
  23. Happy Birthday bud!!
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