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Mottola 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Mottola 1st MRB

  3. You forgot to put that people like Candy and no one likes Cannon
  4. Great work everyone and congrats! thank you again for the opportunity
  5. God help us all
  6. Since you put it that wayyyyy..... Lol
  7. You're missing a coordinating conjunction there, it's "I got a broke dick and piece of shit drill". This is why no one loves you
  8. So god damn excited for this movie
  9. I got a broke dick pice of shit drill
  10. Cause reasons that's why.
  11. Ouch That Hurt Maj. Englebretson Sgt. Moura
  12. G. Visca #2 I am now capped out on visca
  13. It looks fun. I think it would be a good game to play where we do MRB only games and see who can make the most people shit their pants
  14. I have it an play if you want another to the group. Ive been playing since the vanilla mod so i know DayZ
  15. I saw this and it looks good! Also, House of Cards and Peaky Blinders are two other netflix shows that are pretty good
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