Allow me to help with this topic as well
First Name:Andrew
Last Name:Mottola
In-game name:Mr. Mottola |ßÄЯ|
Steam ID (ex. STEAM_0:1:298): STEAM_0:1:18827317
Date of Birth:1/31/1995
Location:Brooklyn, NY
Why do you wish to re-join the 1st Marine Raiders?:I miss the unit aspect of DOD.
Did any of our current members play a part in your re-enlisting? If so, who?:McDowell, Jablonski
How are you today?:Fantastic
What rank did you have before you left?:Rec
Retirement/Resignation Date?:don’t remember
What were the main reasons for leaving the 1st MRB?:Time restraints and I joined BAR due to this reason but my time has freed up
Parting Comments:I love BAR but I miss the unit
By posting this Enlistment form, I acknowledge the instructions completely, declare that I am 16 years old or older, and agree that I have and will follow server and unit rules maturely and respectfully.
Signed, Andrew Mottola
This was on February 12th, 2013