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Mottola 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Mottola 1st MRB

  1. Hello Major, I will get in contact with you to set this match up. Thank you'd for your time.
  2. No one asked you Quarterman
  3. Saw the trailer I want to see this movie
  4. How does that even remotely look like a dolphin? Is it named that way because people make dolphin squeak sounds when being it is being "applied"? Yes
  5. Fuck your rules I watched this at work
  6. Allow me to help with this topic as well First Name:Andrew Last Name:Mottola In-game name:Mr. Mottola |ßÄЯ| Steam ID (ex. STEAM_0:1:298): STEAM_0:1:18827317 Date of Birth:1/31/1995 Location:Brooklyn, NY _______________________ Why do you wish to re-join the 1st Marine Raiders?:I miss the unit aspect of DOD. Did any of our current members play a part in your re-enlisting? If so, who?:McDowell, Jablonski How are you today?:Fantastic ________________ What rank did you have before you left?:Rec Retirement/Resignation Date?:don’t remember What were the main reasons for leaving the 1st MRB?:Time restraints and I joined BAR due to this reason but my time has freed up _______________________ Parting Comments:I love BAR but I miss the unit By posting this Enlistment form, I acknowledge the instructions completely, declare that I am 16 years old or older, and agree that I have and will follow server and unit rules maturely and respectfully. Signed, Andrew Mottola This was on February 12th, 2013
  7. Doth thine require water for said burn?
  8. I saw an interview he did on fox I believe and it was incredible. He deserves this award! *Salute*
  9. Cause fuck that water
  10. Saw that on the chive and couldn't stop laughing lol
  11. WO. Wells: "My virgin ears!" Lafy: "I'ld hope you haven't had a dick in your ear"
  12. This is me playing as Braum
  13. Ehhhh no one cares lol
  14. No one cares Quarterman!! Lol
  15. "Everything my balls touch belongs to me, forever" Pvt. Spence
  16. pentaslut my definition
  17. Jablonskie: "Thanks Quarterman" Me: 'That's Griswald"
  18. I assume that the server is being worked on, but i wanted to take the time and inform the command staff that the server is having lag and voice issues. We suspected it needed a restart when trying to realism. We abandoned and the realism and are waiting for the server issues to end. Thank you command for working on it i know it is tough.
  19. Holy shit balls!!
  20. I commented on this picture. And Gilmore the first picture you look scared shitless lol
  21. We shall discover the location of Smokey and return him to the light
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