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Everything posted by Cevasco

  1. I'm almost less interesting than our wonderful officers( +1 brownie points). I'm 16 and live in a small town with an interesting name here in the wunderbar Ohio. As you can tell I can speak a little German but it won't make sense because i'm 3rd generation italian. I forgot to tell you the name of the town which is Tallmadge. As for work I do nothing unless you count nothing as yard labor then i do yard labor. I join the unit on my 16th birthday and have seen alot of good people leave and join this unit. I have a weird tendency to hit my face when i'm exicted and isn't very useful in a realism. Oh im 6'4" and have a beard at 16 so yeah i'm awesome. When people can't say Cevasco I go by Tabasco or Cerveza(spanish for beer). I also collect WW2 uniforms. I currently have an m1 helmet and a m43 uniform.I have 2 dogs, a 10 year old cockapoo named skipper and a 1 year old shihpoo named Sasquatch but we call her Sassy.
  2. My brother and I getting ready to pass out candy for Halloween I'm the one in the blue
  3. Name: Lenox Steam I.D: steam_0:1:30192924 Reasons for the Ban: Revenage tks against albinochka149 and when told he would also be banned he kept tking Recommended duration of ban: I don't know our policy for revenage tk's so it is whatever you decide. Demo Provided?: Y/N No
  4. Name: albinochka149 Steam I.D: steam_0:0:49756788 Reasons for the Ban: excessive tk's when told to stop he tk'd me twice Recommended duration of ban: Perm, he kept tking even when I left when I last saw him he was -8 Demo Provided?: Y/N No
  5. just wanted to see if anyone else has every played it. It's a cool stradgy game from armour games. Of course its not DOD:S but when you get grounded from steam it helps with the frustation. It's kinda like DOD:S with the classes but thats about it. If anyone knows the valve creators can you ask them to put in mortars and have the officers call in artillery (don't let jones knowabout this or he'll never stop laughing)
  6. If someone puts these into pictures I'll give them a cookie. "3 mg's in fields? Shovel Rush FTW!". "Last one alive on your team. Talk to yourself like others are listening.". "Find awesome hiding spot. Get team killed."
  7. NERD!!!!!!
  8. Just a little song for all ye irish fellows out there
  9. Cevasco


    To make everything clear today is my older brothers birthday. He's the one who let me use his steam account to play with you guys last year.
  10. I came here to read a story of parker working in a bar and this is what i get
  11. If yuo guys like the tanks get darkest hour 1944-45. Its a mod on steam for the original red orchestra. Larkin and I have played together on one of the tank servers and its a hell of a good time.
  12. Even if the emerald is imperfect its still worth more than that. My dad is a 4th generation jewler and when he say this he said its gotta be worth way more
  13. As much as i hate to against the garand i think the gewehr was better. It was made of better quality materials and not mass produced like the garand.
  14. can't make it have school
  15. Cevasco

    M16 vs AK-47

    Definitaly the Ak its rugged and will get the job done if used properly
  16. Just wanted to share that back in 1945 my great uncle who was a paratropper with the 82 airborne died when the tank he was riding on during the battle of the bulge was hit with a 88mm tank shell from a Tiger tank.He was instanly killed from the shrapnel. He is burried there in the Ardennes along with his fellow service men. For his leadership during the drop on D-day leading men behind enemy lines he was awared the bronze star.
  17. i was the first view
  18. So my kamikazi tactics dont put me on the list i see
  19. yeah im from ohio and i wanted to know someonelse opinion on the browns
  20. Cevasco


    thank you kirk
  21. Cevasco


    Just wanted to know if my login has been changed so i can getthe rec. avatar and read the handbook. Thank you to anyone who can help
  22. thank you everyone and Maines i'll be waiting for that roasted pork
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