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Visca 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Visca 1st MRB

  1. So I am going from singing/screaming YouTube songs in my dorm room to laughing/giggling hysterically at random moments. My roommate is probably like what.. the... helll.......
  2. I just wanted to say that I am officially on McDowell and Bickford's side. But shall i suggested a better form of dealing with these colorful nuisances? McDowell: Fixed.
  3. Cool cool, suits you imo, also, accept my friend request Eduardo the Magnificent.
  4. Ah I get ya, like I said I sat on the idea for awhile, but the problem is that the ideas are intricate and I cannot draw. I have pictures, but i need to get a sketch done by someone who is good and the ideas behind the tattoo are life-long, but the inking will be expensive and I know that. Anyways, hopefully I can keep in good enough shape to have the tattoos not deteriorate in my olden age, and hell i'll probably be like my dad a give two shits after the age of 50 lol but thanks, I see what you guys are getting at. Also, can any of yall draw?
  5. Did u get them because they look cool? A lot of tribal tattoos look sick, but is there any meaning behind 'em?
  6. I have been kind of obsessed with getting half sleeves and some other tattoos on my sides/back/torso whatever. I have so many ideas floating around in my head and I have thought about some of them for a greater part of a year. They all have meaning in some way or another whether it be a lot of meaning or a little meaning and a cool design. The only downside is will it affect me at obtaining a job even though I will be able to cover them up, for the most part, maybe a little will show on my arms and what not. Anyways, my parents won't let me get one until I can pay for myself and live on my own under my own weights and merits. I was just seeing if any of you have/want to get tattoos and see if yall regret any of them that you already have. cheers!
  7. yes, yes you can
  8. You, sir, are not alone. I like brunettes more than blondes but a redhead is kind of a "fetish" if you say. The really good looking ones get me going.
  10. Ok I like those teams and everyting, but lets do a larger kill cap, 20 kills will go by quickly, i think. We could do Crash or some smaller map. Im good for Sunday since easter doesn't mean anything me.
  11. I hereby decree a challenge proposed to Sir, Pfc. B. Lalonde of the 1st Marine Raider Battalion of the state of a one verus one sniper battle.
  12. Salud Komrade, as am I. *swig of Vodka* *poster of Marx and Lenin* *Hammer and Sickle Tattoo*
  13. A squad of Marines were driving up the highway between Basra and Baghdad. They came upon an Iraqi soldier badly injured and unconscious. Nearby, on the opposite side of the road, was an American Marine in a similar but less serious state. The Marine was conscious and alert. As first aid was given to both men, the marine was asked what had happened. The Marine reported; "I was heavily armed and moving north along the highway. Coming south was a heavily armed Iraqi soldier." "What happened then?" the corpsman asked. "I yelled to him that Saddam Hussein was a miserable piece of crap, and he yelled back: 'George Bush is a miserable piece of crap." "We were standing there shaking hands when a truck hit us." As a democratically leaning citizen I found this outright hilarious. Hope you do too with whatever side your from!
  14. Damnit Grant.
  15. (This is off topic btw) Engle I just now noticed the green phrase about a man, his honor and his penis. Almost died in the middle of class from laughing. Thank you.
  16. Thank You Maines, I now feel like I have lost IQ points
  17. Demerit for not saying Demerit in Russian... cmon Richards!
  18. It is not out yet, the pre-purchase is April 10th!
  19. Damn that is amazing, and I'm pretty sure Mellot has been drinking for 3 days straight... we might have a KIA soon guys haha
  20. Sweet Richards!
  22. But, read in context, makes him look slightly non-perceptive
  23. UO = Underoath? KSE = Killswitch Engage? ATR = ? Yeah those guys Engle, and a whole lot more, if those acronyms were even correct... lol
  24. I can now make fun of you with something legit. Thank You Stone
  25. I talk on the mic to much to listen to music, but if I do when no one is on, its Screaming/ Hardcore, great pump up to kill people to !
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