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Visca 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by Visca 1st MRB

  1. If you like Flyleaf then do you like Paramore? Eyes Set to Kill (hardcore so i doubt it, but I thought I'd ask) Hayley Williams is so hot.... maybe its just the redhead thing for me... ahah
  2. *cracks knuckles* Mmm... bring it
  3. Over my dead body
  4. So I played WoW for 5 years and it just got too boring and was way to time consuming. So after my friend introduced me to Guild Wars 2, after not playing the first one (which you really don'tneed to to play GW2) I am hooked. You guys should def. check into it, it doesn't fight like regular MMORPG's. They're trying to redefine the possibilities of that genre of gaming. Go check it out and then tell me whatcha think about it. Add me on Facebook (Wyatt Visca) and ill add you to my friends group!
  5. Why have I not played with you guys yet.... we need to fix that, soon.
  6. Her name is Esme, short for Esmerelda. I forget what its native american translation is though.
  7. Oh, I love her. She's good looking except she's a tad to short for my huge ass... Lol Try this song for me,
  8. Ahhh Shit Legend I live in Memphis, TN! and Bonaroo is sick this year, I just couldn't shell out the near $300 for the festival. Where are you driving in from? You could stop in memphis and we could grab a bite to eat or something.
  9. If you like that christian-core kinda thing, what other bands do you like in and around that genre? Also, Close Your Eyes, while not being that hardcore, is pretty fucking awesome and their lyrics are mind blowing sometimes.
  10. After 9 years of wanting a dog and being allergic to almost everything short of a yappy-no-bigger-than-my-foot dog, we got a Native American Indian Dog.
  11. So as you guys may/may not know, Guild Wars 2 should (hopefully) be coming out this Summer!!!! I was wondering if any of yall were thinking about getting it and playing, and/or have signed up for the Beta that comes out sometime in April/May. That way we could play together with some of my friends at my University!
  12. I was banned from Ventrilo today and I was also unable to switch channels. Please help in any way. Thank You, Pvt. W. Visca 1st MRB
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