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Everything posted by Reis

  1. Reis


    Have you seen this movie?
  2. Yerrrr, nice man have a great time over there, we'll speak on vent many times before that i hope ;D (Get a diamond for me)
  3. You had to shoot the boobies?
  4. Sweden is doing this 2513 yeah in 500 years.
  5. Yes i sent some explanation and both of the emails! Thanks for the help Gardner!
  6. Just sent a message to the steam support with the credit card stuff registred on my steam account that should do it, or should it?
  7. I know my password and everything, but everytime i try to log in to a new computer it ask me to write in a code that has been sent to my mail but my mail is old and deleted i just think that sucks.. They reset the computer when they repaired it to make it as good as possible and now it's like a diffrent computer. So steam doesn't let me in
  8. I just got my computer back from repair and now i can't log in to my steam account because i need the code that has been sent to my OLD and DELETED email. I've contacted steam support but haven't got any answers back yet. So my question is, Is there any other way to log in or fix this code or something? I want to play asap!!
  9. Reis


    I don't know if this thread already exists but whatever Okay I'l start! Just looked at a good movie named ''The Flowers of War'' A Westerner finds refuge with a group of women in a church during Japan's rape of Nanking in 1937. Posing as a priest, he attempts to lead the women to safety. It's a war movie and i really like the part where the chinese Major Li uses his sniper to take out many japanese soliders by setting up traps around him. Christian Bale is starring.
  10. Yerrr we just beat Russia, now let's beat USA so i can make fun of you americans ;D
  11. Just need to wait for an answer from Steam Support so i can get in, it's because i need this stupid code and my registred email is gone so just need to wait some
  12. So just got my lovely computer back from repair :D:D:D so now i can speak with you all again in mic yerrr! I know you missed my voice (especially Quarterman) Just need to install steam and all that shit and then i'l be back in action!
  13. Incorrect. "It" is wearing two stars, the rank of a Major General (O-8), four stars would make him a General. Incorrect again. ''It'' is a sloth.
  14. Me and my friend at the 25th (We celebrate christmas at the 24th in sweden) Edit: Im the one with the santa hat aw yeah
  15. Forgot to post this aswell http://www.1stmarineraiders.com/index.php?showtopic=20782 a topic for terraria i made some weeks ago!
  16. I've played the game for a long time so i got pretty much the good stuff you need for everything, just message me on steam when you want to play and maybe i want to . Anyway i have a server and Legend got one to! Can't post the information right now as i am on my mothers laptop but i will later!
  17. Hahaha made my day
  18. It's up again but we're only like 4 people in it
  19. This problem is happening right now. The pub was filled with 22 players but now it has crashed several times please fix!
  20. Awesome man!
  21. Malibu with sprite and sum lemoooon
  22. They all sound really high
  23. Reis


    Nice! I played it for about a year ago but got bored to, it's pretty fun to play with alot of others.
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