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Everything posted by Reis

  1. Reis


    My server (when Jablonski isn't playing) Hamachi: MRBTERRARIA Password: mrb Server:
  2. Reis


    So, who is playing this? Me, Jablonski, Legend and Hall have started playing it on a server that Jablonski is hosting. Hamachi: Password: mrb Server IP: (same as hamachi) So hope some of you come join us!
  3. I got 5 copys if anyone wants em reply!
  4. Same thing happened to me this morning, but it eventually came back for me !
  5. Grattis på födelsedagen! YERRR SWEDEN
  6. Anderson ^^
  7. It was not just a oridinary squirrel it was a CATSQUIRREL!
  8. http://www.freeride.se/video/39412/ My friend that i go to school with, also a member of my skiteam!
  9. I just played S&D on CoD4 with my clan couple of years ago and that was fun!
  10. LOL what the fuck
  11. Reis


    Yey! Thank you again for doing this Cast! And congrats everyone!
  12. I miss our zombie nights on DoD:s and the time in vent when we had so much fun! I'l wait for you to come back, everyone will wait for you! Goodluck in life until we meet again.
  13. Reis


    Mount & Blade: Warband wish i could do some giveaways sometime too, nice of you Cast!
  14. Happy birthday man!
  15. Happy thanksgiving! We don't celebrate thanksgiving in sweden... I LOVE TURKEY :'(
  16. Call of duty Modern Warfare forever!
  17. You just want to be the highest ranked brown don't you?
  18. Happy birthday! And im happy that i killed you in the realism once anyway <3
  19. Reis


    Thank you!
  20. This is the same guy that teamkilled like 10 people in spawn a couple of weeks ago when sourcebans didn't work.
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