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Everything posted by Reis

  1. I want to be that guy sitting there..
  2. I would go for Mottola.
  3. Anyone who wants to challenge me, send me a message on steam and we can do it!
  4. Yerrrrr finally!!! my work is complete for this summer so now i can play sooo much with u guys!
  5. Kaba get me online on steam and we'll get this thing started ;D
  6. Woot im in the ''Unit Retard of the Month'' IM FAMOUS!!!!!!! yesyesyessss
  7. Huauappy baaarthdaay!
  8. When i think about it, it would be fun to have a ''The Best Swede'' or something like that! Every swede joins and we go 1v1 all weapons to 5 kills.
  9. Anyone intrested in a challenge? Then just tell me!
  10. Hahahahhahaa!!
  11. Thank you really much!
  12. Orcs Must Die looks awesome! Like that kind of games,
  13. You know what country you want to visit....... SWEDEN OFC!
  14. Cpl. T. Brown helped me alot and fixed it for me, thanks for the help Brown, you took 12 minutes of your life to help me get it work! Thanks again can't thank you enough!
  15. Still not working this is what comes up: ] bind b ''say_team !medic'' bind <key> [command] : attach a command to a key
  16. Im trying to use it on B but won't work. Im doing this: bind b ''say_team !Medic'' and i have unbinded the key + i tried on diffrent keys aswell.
  17. Anderson told me last year to buy DOD:S and i was like ''what the fuck is that?'' and he was like ''It's an awesome game and im in a unit'' and after that I told my mum to buy the fucking game when it was on sale and i started playing some, but I DIDNT LIKE IT???? So after that i stopped playing and started playing other games and went to school in better times. But then the summerbreak started and i felt like i missed something... It was a great feeling when i started up the DOD:S and played some, after that i did my re-enlistment and i got in! Now i feel like being someone important and i feel home. This unit is like a second family to you and you will feel that in a bit so i just want to say that you really should try to follow the weapon restrictions (You get better with the rifle and that's a PROMISE!) and you should be in vent and talk to the funny group of people there is! Also i want to thank everyone for doing what they do YOU ARE AWESOME 1stMRB members!
  18. Episode 2: Episode 3: Episode 3 is most awesome and fun
  19. That's correct Sir! haha SPANNISH!??!?!?!
  20. Pretty fun way to learn my home language and IT'S GOOD FOR YOU!
  21. Sorry but that config thingy, idk what that is but im not using any config so please tell me what it is!
  22. Ofc u can Johnson, i can buy a boat so the whole unit can fit in it
  23. U really thinked that out Cast, eh?
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