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Everything posted by Reis

  1. I would probably (also) get the unit a swedish girl that all of u could watch and maybe touch once in a year!
  2. I would give 10% to the unit and the rest goes to my sking stuffs + travels AND A BOAT FILLED WITH BIKINI CHICKS!!!
  3. Goodjob mate, give me a copy when it's all set up ayyt? ;D
  4. Name:Anton Reis Rank:Corporal Type of issue:Steam (Software, Hardware, Steam, Not sure) Brief Description of Issue:Can't get the medic bind into the game after it vanished, i have tried unbind and bind it after that but it wont work. ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Resolved Main Technician: Cpl. T. Brown Supporting Technician: Cpl. Bryant
  5. My name is peeeeewdiepie! Have you guys seen his girlfriend? o.o u should.. And sweden is best again!
  6. Reis

    Dino D-Day

    Yeah but it seems fun to battle dinos, but low graphics might be annoying but w/e can be fun anyways!
  7. Reis

    Dino D-Day

    Just found this crazy game at steam called ''Dino D-Day'' have never seen it before, and i wonder if any of you have played this game and how it's like. Seems pretty fun to me
  8. Happy birthday Rather! Hope you have a good one
  9. Yesterday i sent a textmessage to ur phone :>

  10. Happy birthday from the swedish recruit!!!
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