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Everything posted by Reis

  1. Get well soon!
  2. Hope it goes well, update us when you're back!
  3. Name: Sparks O.G [SAC] Steam I.D: [U:1:24941666] Reasons for the Ban: Started with him bitching on his teammates, when me and MSgt. Gougeon told him to stop he did for that map, after map change he naded in spawn and fled the server. Recommended duration of ban: 1 week Demo Provided?: No
  4. It's the 9th and we only have 1 enlistment with a name in it. Start adding people and talk to them, be polite and ask if they have tried realism before and invite them to open realisms wich we will have throughout the month. If they enjoy themselves ask them to Enlist for even more realism!
  5. Theres already a topic here! But yeah it's a new game based on dod:s
  6. Happy birthday!
  7. Grattis för fan!
  8. Lets get some fresh meat guys!
  9. A little more recoil on the weapons would be good.
  10. Name: Changing names, last name he had when he left was Rawsberry Steam I.D: STEAM_0:1:192621261 Reasons for the Ban: Obvious cheating, he came in and ran across the map getting headshots up to 19 kills and then left the server. Recommended duration of ban: Perm Demo Provided?: Muppet, Blue Saber and Matovich was there.
  11. Lets hope Trump and Putin becomes best friends!
  12. Fucking snakes!
  13. Sounds like Göthe to me!
  14. Hålkvist!
  15. Glad everything worked out for you McKenzie, and welcome back!
  16. Reis


    Lehman!!! I long for your voice inside the private server once again! Looking forward to see your re-enlistment in the future. This unit will still be here ready for ya!
  17. I have never had a problem with the current system.
  18. Thank you guys!
  19. Welcome back Dillon!
  20. Love fly fishing, we have alot of nice rivers for it here in Sweden, we usually hire a cabin in the woods close to a river and then fish for a whole weekend.
  21. Where is the rödbetssallad?
  22. Hahaha, Johnson can you confirm this?
  23. Looks amazing!
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