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Everything posted by Korda

  1. Shame on you, The duel klobb was the shit! Nope. Dual AR33 or dual RCP90, THAT was the shit! License to kill with slapper only! This is alot of quotes Wow, this IS a lot of quotes. I never actually played Goldeneye. I started my video gaming on the GameBoy Pocket and the PlayStation.
  2. YES GET IT. If only for STALKER, Metro 2033 and the Red Faction Games, this is an incredible deal.
  3. Hey guys. I noticed this topic is closed, but I wanted to update the info, if possible. I am definitely interested in building a new computer in May/June, and I am reevaluating my budget. I am also definitely studying abroad in England next semester, so currently my money is all focused on that. However, I don't anticipate spending 3K while I'm abroad, so I should have a sizable budget on my return in mid-May. Is this list that Lafy made a while back still relevant? http://secure.newegg.com/WishList/PublicWi...Number=26661928 I was also thinking of trashing my current case, it's too small. I hate the ventilation on it, total crap. It heats up way too easily. Therefore, I'm adding in a case to the list of needed parts. I was looking at this one, as it comes with 5 fans and is really cheap. http://www.amazon.com/APEVIA-Mid-Tower-Cas...pd_sim_sbs_pc_1 Recently I upgraded from my NVidia 8400 GS to the 9500GT, and this pushed my power supply to the limits, so I removed my DVD drive. Using an external USB one now, so the drive is still no issue. All in all, I am really excited to build a new computer, but wanted a reevaluation on the parts I can get for cheap (600-750$ budget MAX). Thanks, guys!
  5. Yeah, that looks fucking awesome. How'd you get the lasers to show up like that?
  6. Don't know how good it is, but there is this. Came out a few months ago. http://store.steampowered.com/app/98300/?snr=1_7_suggest__13
  7. Yeah, same. No issues, other than a slight decrease in battery life. And the new Maps sucks.
  8. Oh. My. God. That's ridiculous.
  9. Damn, that shield has ridiculous stats! I'm level 24, and my shield only has like 1050 capacity.
  10. Glad everyone likes it; I'm a huge Tyrion fan, so... yeah. lol
  11. As far as I can tell, it seems to be free. However, I have to agree with Holland and Cast, as Steam is never entirely reliable. Here's the site for the Community Update: http://steamcommunity.com/communitycontent
  12. OK, so over the past couple days, Steam has been talking about how they are planning on revamping the Community section, to be more friendly to the people on Steam. While these updates sound pretty cool so far, today they announced that Steam Community is going to have FORUMS on the Community for every group there! Meaning that the 1st MRB can show up every other group in full glorious view of every other DoDS clan on Steam! Also meaning that it'll make the forum maintenance job doubly as annoying. As well as keeping track of all this stuff on two separate forums for the 1st MRB.
  13. Happy Birthday, sir! *Salute*
  14. Me SO gusta.
  15. Haha, yeah. I saw this a couple days ago. Changed the entire feel for Dumb and Dumber!
  16. I don't check the forums as often as I should, so PM me if interested in one of the two passes I have left! As for that box of fur...
  17. I'll send one to Avila, as soon as you add me as a friend.
  18. I've got three as well, hit us up!
  19. *Salute*
  20. That's fucking ridiculous. I was wondering through the whole video how you stop, then I saw the parachute at the very end and went, "Duh." Thanks for that video, it was sick!
  21. LOLZ, I have no fucking clue what I just saw.
  22. LOLZ. I love these so much.
  23. Happy birthday, you guys!
  24. LOLZ, "Ah, I haven't laughed that hard since I was a little girl." - Dr. Evil.
  25. Trinity includes Diplomacy as well, equaling up to the 3 games: SoaSE, Entrenchment and Diplomacy.
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