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Everything posted by Peaker

  1. Disregarding the fact that the US sponsored some of the worst dictators in South America (and worldwide), helped topple democratically elected governments and are party to torture outsourcing. But of course since Chavez was socialist, he's worse.
  2. Stone:
  3. I love it! Always preferred Spear of Destiny though (AKA: Proto Wolfenstein)
  4. I know, but given how some people are wont to take everything at face value, and that socialism/communism is apparently Evul, I felt it was important to make the distinction.
  5. Canada isn't socialist, it's a social-democracy. Besides, a bunch of extreme left wingers mostly ignored and shunned by the american mainstream claim that a big party "stole" their idea? On a joke website? I don't see much credibility there. That said, I think we should follow the example of those fine gentlemen: Happy late valentine's day.
  6. ...Lol what? If the democrats are communists, then in Canada, we're Ultra-Marxists...and let's not even talk about France and Scandinavia. The reds are coming, hide your AR-15 and watch reruns of Red Dawn. Here's a scoop though: Even if you have 10 assault rifles, if the US government decides to take "your" guns, they will. Any so called "rebellion" will be crushed by national guard and army units, who happen to have stuff like APCs, planes and tanks. Not to mention, we've been living under gun control for quite a long time here, and our government hasn't even come close to infringing our liberty as much as yours did. When the students got pissed off over the tuition hike last spring, they made the liberal government of Charest lose the ensuing elections, not by waving handguns around, but by peaceful civil disobedience and protests. Gandhi freed his country through civil disobedience. Oh right, my arguments are probably invalid because I'm a dirty commie that supports gun control.
  7. I'm thoroughly disturbed...in a good way.
  8. Thanks, today I have the best birthday party ever, I work -.- But thanks for the thought guys!
  9. It's just part of their eternal posturing, really, NK won't do anything, their current leader might play the part of the crazy people's leader, but he's keenly aware of the geopolitical situation his country is in. It's a cycle, NK postures with it's WMDs, talks start again, they get some foreign aid and a lifting of some embargoes, then talks break down because of either the US or NK, and the whole process begins again. As for Iran, I support Israeli airstrikes to deny them nuclear capability, but an actual invasion of Iran would be 10 000 times worse than what the Iraq and Afghanistan wars were. Their army is of better quality, their terrain is harsher, they control the strait of Hormuz, which if blocked would threaten a big chunk of the world's oil supply. Basically, it's posturing, but of a different kind. The US would be dumb to commit to an Israeli ground war in Iran, a war they can't afford if they want their currency to be worth more than nuts and bolts. Iran is also changing from the inside, their youth is fed up with the old order, so we might see changes in that part of the world soon enough, though I don't know if it's gonna be on the scale of what many Arab Spring countries have gone through.
  10. The rates given are per 100 000 people, your argument is thus invalid, it's the result of the following equation: (Country wide gun homicides/100 000)= Rate of homicide (Per 100 000 capita). It takes into account the population gap. Hard numbers might relate the story better. In 2009, Canada had 179 shooting homicides. In 2009 (Or 2010, not sure how far their compilation goes), the US had 10 078 firearms related homicides. If we take into account the difference in population, the US has about 10 times more people than Canada has, so let's multiply Canada's stats by 10. We get 1790 firearms related homicides, still roughly 5-6 times less than the US. Of course there might be other factors than gun control at play here, but the main difference related to firearms in the US and Canada IS gun control, so it's definitely a huge factor. Wrong, none of the kids died, they were wounded. It's significantly harder to cause fatalities with a knife than a firearm if you are untrained and if you have to engage many targets at once. http://www.cnn.com/2012/12/14/world/asia/c...tack/index.html Operative word here is wounds. Read my section on this supposed "uprising". Even with assault rifles, it's the allegiance of the National Guards units that will decide how such a revolution would go, not how much military hardware is packed into citizen's homes. Unless you think they should be able to own fighter planes and APCs as well. Bottom line is I don't think there's any excuse for the behavior of US gun nuts, but whatever, it's your country, we'll keep watching from the North and facepalm the next time Alex Jones speaks on TV or there's yet another school shooting. PS: Our last school shooting that caused more than 10 deaths was the massacre at the Polytechnique...in 1989.
  11. Canada has relatively strict gun control (Slightly less rigid than the UK) and we're far better off. I think this is simply the symptom of a much greater disease. The US used to be the nation everyone pointed at when we were asked which was the greatest nation on earth. They were the leaders in democracy, human rights and opportunity during the 18th to the mid 20th century. The constitution was written in a much different time period than now, when oppressive monarchies and regimes were rampant in the western world. The thing is, it's now put on the same level as the bible, instead of realizing that times have changed and that many of it's provisions are obsolete. The bottom line is, there is no need for a civilian to own an assault rifle. Self defense is kind of a rubbish motive to own a firearm I think, unless you're a mafia prosecutor, high ranking politician etc... Where do most criminals get their weapons? By stealing them from law abiding citizens. Japan, which has strict gun control, has little to no gun violence. The cops don't even carry firearms on everyday duty, same thing in the UK, where I only saw one armed cop guarding the Royal Guard's barracks. Now I will always support the privilege to own a firearm for hunting or target practice, but I think there should be a process for acquiring one, since I really don't think most of mankind is responsible enough to have access to death at the pull of a trigger. Here you have to go through a safety and regulations course before you can buy firearms. The rate of homicide by firearm (Per 100 000 population) is 0.54 in Canada, 0.12 in England...and 2.97 in the United States. That's about 5-6 times that of Canada, so yeah, gun control does make a difference. Besides, the "revolution against government" defence is pretty invalid, since even if you had assault rifles, it won't do much against APCs, tanks and planes. Look at Libya, where the access to guns was pretty pervasive amongst the citizen militias. Gaddafi's regime was kicking their butts until army units defected to the rebels, bringing their vehicles and weapons with them. And even then, until NATO helped them, it was looking pretty bleak.
  12. So you have a batallion with 2 regiments? I have Hearts of Iron 3, but i've not yet taken the time to make sense of the Order of Battle. It's so different from HoI2. Other than that, that's a pretty wicked unit!
  13. I still play now and then! My main died with all my sweet shit, but I was becoming bored of having everything anyway. I'm back near Bolotta airfield with an AK Kobra and 17 rounds left haha. I play on a fairly populated hive, but I might join yours.
  14. I did 1600 words in 3 hours, so you should be able to do it, but I had my research done beforehand. You can probably ask for an extension from your teacher, if only for a few hours/another day.
  15. Peaker

    First Pistol

    There's no pistol but the M1911 With that, you can redecorate your house with burglar brains. Of course, it might be an issue if you don't like the small magazine capacity or the kick the .45 ACP gives. Other than that, you can't go wrong with the Beretta M9 I reckon.
  16. As a side arm i'll take a pair of those (No, not because I want to dual wield, because I'm lazy and don't want to reload in a firefight). .45 for the win! As my main weapon, i'll have one of those. Built in rangefinder? Sign me up. I'd rather be a click away and checking my match grade ammo rather than in the thick of things, thank you very much
  17. I have a 4000-5000 points inquisition Army that is no longer legal with the new codex since you can no longer pick allies with the Inquisition. It was centred around Daemonhosts and demon artifacts (Radical inquisitors can use those) and a bunch of Relictor Space Marines. Nowadays when I play I play pure Space Marines, or in friendly games I still play my radicals. My main weakness is that i'm a sucker for cool and expensive units, like the Space Marine Honor guard. My real tabletop game though is Combat Commander! It's a WW2 tabletop game that plays on a hexagonal map with counters, and it plainly rocks.
  18. "Leave Israel alone"? Dude, they're blockading Gaza and preventing humanitarian shipments to get through, while bombing the place with Jets while the Palestinians have shitty rockets. Israel's leadership is guilty of many war crimes and acts that would make some nazis blush. Despite the UN resolutions against further settlements of the Palestinian lands, they keep funding Israeli construction projects (Notice how I don't use the word jew?). That said, many would think i'm an anti-zionist, i'm not. I believe in the two states solution, and the Palestinians themselves have many dirty dirty acts on their record from the Arab War and before, when Israel wasn't yet a country. I just don't believe in calling apples oranges. What Israel is doing to Palestine right now is downright shitty and illegal, and is mostly for electoral purposes, as "strong" Israeli politicians gain popularity in the population of Israel by adopting a tough stance. Israel has the right to defensible frontiers, and Palestinians have the right to be treated like bloody human beings, not like cattle herded into a pen and left to die. How can you justify the indiscriminate bombing of the most densely populated area of the world, or close to? It's like if everytime an Al-Quaeda bomber attacked a US target, they launched F-35s and bombed Kabul. That said, extreme Palestinian politicians need to stop dreaming that Israel will disappear or be eradicated, Egypt is no longer on that boat, neither is Syria in any shape and Jordan has basically been walking hand in hand with Israel for a while. The old Arab alliance is gone, and was defeated not once, but twice, in wars. Israel has gained the right to the Golan and water rights on the West bank, as well as most of the central and coastal territory (excluding Gaza). Also, Israel will never use nukes unless they were really back to the wall, and that won't happen. The Israeli army is one of the best in the world, and in terms of innovation, i'd say they're evolving at a faster rate than the US when it comes to tactics and flexibility. If they were able to defeat 4 Arab powers in 67, I wouldn't worry for them now. Besides, the US would stop them from using nukes or would intervene directly in the region to prevent it.
  19. The brushing is really the secret to a good shine. Also depends on the polish and wax you're using. I've not brushed my boots in forever though. As Cast said, you need to lightly brush everywhere, brush too strong and you'll get too much off.
  20. Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori. Thanks to all the veterans who laid down their lives so that we may enjoy our own!
  21. Lube is great if you use a condom, trojan's condoms aren't bad, Lifestyle either. Honestly though, it's much easier if she's on birth control. If she experiences some adverse effects, she can always see her doctor about a different prescription. And yeah, pullout method and the calendar method don't really work. The reason why pullout doesn't work is that in your precum, there are small amounts of spermatozoids which may very well get to the egg and then bam, child support for the rest of your life.
  22. Quebec should have done this ages ago. We grow so much of the shit it's not even funny, and many many people smoke. The ban on it also means I can't smoke up if I want to go in the army (Which is why I quit 2-3 years ago).
  23. This man has taste, though personally i'll stick with my scotch whiskey. I've a fancy for the Dalwhinnie 15 years lately, with a Bass.
  24. Nah, but the Laval one did. About damn time. I think the Montreal Mayor is gonna lose the next elections though, but it's always hard to tell. Municipal elections here are always hogged by one candidate for ages. I'm not directly affected by that since I live in Quebec City and our mayor is a pretty cool guy (Nordiques yerrr!), but it still desolates me to see the extent of the corruption. Nonetheless, I hope people won't give to this Super Pac thing, because if there's one thing certain, it's this:
  25. Bribes are just as present in the US, there's corruption everywhere. Speaking of that, there's actually a huge inquiry in the corruption inside construction and the political apparatus running right now. Maybe our system isn't perfect, but at least we try to make our elections run on something else than money.
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