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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Peaker

  1. This shit is illegal in Quebec, each party has an electoral spending limit and no one else is allowed to run ads favouring one or the other candidates (though this doesn't apply to art performance, for example a comedy skit or show). Hope everyone that's in the path of the storm is safe too, heard it's getting pretty hectic over there.
  2. Perrone, respect.
  3. This accurately sums up Romney's ability to deal with foreign policy: I watched the whole second and third debates, as well as parts of the first, and Romney comes off as a wishful thinker honestly, saying that everything will fall into place miraculously when he becomes president. At least Obama has the guts to say that things won't be better overnight.
  4. Peaker

    Oil Sands

    What we really should be doing with the oil from Alberta is financing alternative sources of energy and programs for the future. That's what Norway is doing with it's oil money (Notwithstanding the fact that Norway takes a bigger cut of oil profits), by creating the generation fund. My main problem with the Alberta oil industry isn't that it's exploiting the oil, it's that it's doing it in a way where the benefits will be ephemeral for Alberta (And the ROC). There are of course environmental issues, and it's impossible to deny oil sands mining has a significant impact on the natural fauna and flora of Alberta (Along with greatly increasing greenhouse emissions), but then again, we can't stop all development either, so the trick would be finding a just balance. All in all, the more we reduce our dependency on oil, the better placed we will be tomorrow, when the supplies run out or the price is so ridiculously expensive that it's not viable. By slowly using profits from natural ressources for financing education, social programs, greener energies, better infrastructure, along with subsidizing research into various medical and technological fields, we can create a better Canada for our kids. Then again, that's not exactly what Harper has in mind, and i'm a dirty socialist, so whatever.
  5. I also recommend Axis and Allies, plus, the games are usually shorter (You have a time limit), while Risk games can last 6 hours (Or even more!) sometimes, depending on the dice. However, Risk games will usually be very different from each other, while there is usually a standard strategy with each country in Axis and Allies. If you like complex board games, I like Combat Commander too, a World War 2 tactical game at the squad level, you have different scenarios and you lead platoon to company sized forces trying to achieve different objectives. Or if you are really hardcore...you can try Advanced Squad Leader (I never have), here's the rulebook:
  6. Great site Brown haha! Gonna be watching the debate tonight, wonder if Romney will (Yet again) be lying for the whole time.
  7. You should have asked for nudes.
  8. Great episode, I think it's about time shit really starts hitting the fan for Dexter, after all it wouldn't make much sense to have like 16 seasons.
  9. Bipartism kinda sucks, do it the Quebec way: 4 parties in the assembly and chaos! We take pride in the fact that our PM is always hated by 70% of the population, no matter what. (I kid, but it's actually not that far from the truth). That said, Romney kinda did say that 47% of Americans were unable to take care of themselves and that he didn't care much about them. (It's possible that his words were taken out of context, I havn't seen the video myself.)
  10. Yep, it's perfectly possible. When you reach 5000 you get the "Hero" status, which includes a special skin and the ability to run a bit faster than everyone else.
  11. I ran Morton over with my Motorcycle after he crashed the giant truck we had repaired, killing Takel...it was not a good day to be on the roads (Sorry Morton!).
  12. So yeah, I went into another server and was about to loot the NW airfield with my fancy new AKS-Kobra (Damn that gun is fun), when I hear the rumble of a motor. Suddenly, out of the forest bursts a bloody tractor, I quickly pop 5 rounds in the wind-shield and the guy tries to run me over, misses, and makes for the exit. Wanting to get out of there, I make for the hangars and the command post, looting as I go and dispatching zombies. When comes the time to get out of the airfield, I figure i'll check out what happened to this dude. I hear the engine again, which is somewhat unusual, and follow it. I find the tractor crashed and abandoned, but still able to function, against the perimeter wall. I look around, and see the body of the guy. Apparently, I shot him through the glass, and he died as he was trying to patch himself up outside his vehicle. TL;DR: I now have fucking Night Vision and hand grenades! Oh, and a tractor, but I don't think i'll find the server I left it in again.
  13. The NW airfield is the best for loot, that's where you find the fancy weapons, NV glasses etc... Mostly they spawn military gear, and not much else beyond flares, chemlights etc... Firehouses in cities will sometime have military gear as well, and there is the military camps, I know of three, the one near Bolotta, one in Stary Sobor and there's a few military tents in Chernogorsk.
  14. Yeah, it's a pretty fickle game :/. Btw, i'm stuck in god knows where with a fireaxe, a can of beans and a coke. Things aren't looking well.
  15. I'm getting on right now, if the updates don't take ages.
  16. Thanks for sharing that, very interesting documentary!
  17. I'm actually considering buying a PS3 for that game, but i'll wait to see if it takes off. I've always been a big fan of EVE online, played a few times too, but this is a huge gamble.
  18. Cast? Did I grow tits while I wasn't looking?
  19. Quick looting guide for new players, locations and their loadout: Firehouses: Those can only be found in the two main cities, and perhaps in a few larger town up north (Never seen one). There's 2 in Elektro and 1 in Cherno. They can contain nothing...or military grade weapons and ammo, food, survival gear, utilities (Like smoke grenades), as well as regular guns. It's a fair bet you'll find a M1911/ammo for it (My favorite pistol in the game, ammo is plentiful, and it kills Zeds in one hit). I once found a M4 with red dot scope and 3 mags in there. Churches: Churches will always contain a decent amount of food and utilities, often with basic weapons and ammo, as well as survival gear. An excellent stop once you've acquired a main weapon because many players aim for them, so you want to have some firepower at your disposal. Hospitals: Those will have everything you need to patch you up (And more). It's usually preferable to raid those with a group, since there's usually a lot of bloodbags, painkillers etc... Rarely, they spawn antibiotics (If you get sick), and it's the only place you can acquire them. You will need to break the glass to get to the big stash, but if you're alone and only want a quick loot, there's usually a box on the roof or behind the building. The glass will sometime not break and you won't be able to get in, this is a bug and I have no idea how to remedy it. Supermarkets: An excellent first stop. There's a lot of escape routes if you get surprised by other players (But this makes the place harder to defend). You will find ammo, food, survival gear and most certainly pistols and rifles. There's usually one in every town of some importance (I know there's at least one in Cherno and Elektro, one in Stary Sobor and another one in a somewhat random town I can't remember the name of, in the middle of the map). Bolota Airfield: The first stop of choice of many veteran players, this is the airfield that's near the coast, between Kamychovo and Elektro (If I remember well). You can usually find military grade stuff here, often AKs, M9s and other minor stuff. Be aware that it's often a heavily populated area by new players, so things can sometime get a bit hectic. If you need to make a quick getaway, there's a forest directly behind the command post and the hangars. There is also a military camp nearby, but I honnestly rarely raid it because it's full of zombies and there's only 4 deerstands. Good if you're desperate though. Barns: Barns will have a few loot points usually filled with either useless junk, weapons, or very basic gear. You can find wood here too. They're usually good to loot because the open space can be quickly travelled, and they have alright stuff early game. There's actually two types of barns, the large empty ones that I previously mentioned, and the ones with two stairways leading to haystacks. The ones with two stairways usually spawn better stuff by virtue of having more loot points. Pubs: 'Pubs' are referring to the corner shops you see in cities. They can be entered by either a corner door, a front door and a back door. The corner door will lead in a shop, and the other two will lead to a stairway, which in turn leads to an appartment building. Those are only a bit worse than supermarkets (But still extremely good), they will have about the same variety of stuff. Be careful not to get ambushed when you come down from the stairwell, as you can very clearly see inside from the street (Had a mate die that way). Those are the basic buildings that should interest a newly spawned player, though there's many many more, as well as varied locations that can be interesting, hope it helps!
  20. Another good trick to get rid of zombies is hills. If you have a bunch of them after you, run zig zags up a hill. You will go up faster, and the zombie AI is not great at handling hills. You will lose them eventually. The Enfield? It's a trap, don't use that gun, unless you're alone in the middle of the woods...and even then. That thing makes more noise than a pig getting sodomized, and will bring every zombie and bandit on your trail for 50 miles. Much preferable as a low tier weapon is the Winchester. 15 bullets, semi auto, decent noise suppression and the accuracy is not bad at all.
  21. The snuggie kinda looks like a devil cultist robe though. I'd get the mobile cooler though, it's amazing.
  22. Stone, i'd appreciate it if you kept my work and private life apart. My clients like their secrecy.
  23. Happy birthday you sexy man!
  24. Honestly, I have no problem whatsoever with people paying hookers to do stuff. My only caveat is that the girls be of age and doing it of their own free will, and given how the sex industry is run, that's more the exception than the rule. Seems like good old Silvio went a bit over the top though. Mama mia.
  25. Peaker

    Top 20

    My favorite is definitely Cross of Iron: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0074695/
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