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Everything posted by Peaker

  1. Name: Sam Peaker Rank: Sergeant Type of issue: Hardware I guess! Brief Description of Issue: So it's that time of the year, my Mac laptop is starting to show it's age, and i've decided to invest in a new desktop computer, for pure gaming purposes. My budget is between 1500 and 2000 Canadian dollars, and I would like to basically have a nuclear reactor for that price. If it goes a bit over 2000 with shipping it's not a big deal either. So I thought I would turn to the medical supply office, who is undoubtedly more knowledgeable in those matters than I am. I have been toying around with this site: http://www.ibuypower.com/ , where they have a father's day sale and you get a ton of free upgrades for free, so if that's advantageous for me, i'd definitely want to take advantage of that. A friend also referred me to this site: www.ncix.com . So gentlemen, I guess, do your worst? Thanks in advance for the help! ***Medical Supply Staff ONLY Below this line*** Current Status: Researching Main Technician: Cpl. Marchese Supporting Technician: Sgt. Rather
  2. I will be leading an expedition to Devil's Castle and Starry Sobor tomorrow in the evening. I'll confirm the exact time later on, but i'll be in vent anyway. Meetup point will be north of the Factory district (Chernogorsk). This is a good occasion to grab military hardware and maybe get some sweet ass gear, and if we're careful, we won't have any trouble.
  3. Wow, this looks awesome. I was a bit disapointed at Ubisoft products lately, but this definitely raises the bar.
  4. Pick your poison! For next month's article that will showcase a great general or warrior, you guys get to pick what timeframe he/she will be from. The option having received the most votes when I get to writing my article will be chosen. Feel free to nominate a particular person, but such suggestions may, or may not, be ignored!
  5. Why do you have an image for everything Dawson. Why.
  6. No matter their peculiarities, I will always admire Japanese culture, amazing music, great theatre, breathtaking litterature and timeless philosophers. I try to remember all that when I see the weirdness. I don't always succeed however .
  7. You can't defend the used panties machine though.
  8. I'll be able to play a bit today, probably a lot more tomorrow, so I can help anyone wanting to get started then. I might also write a small starter guide. As it happens I died last time I played and havn't replayed since then, so i'll be starting from square 1 as well. Yeah, you lose everything when you die, so get ready to start over, a lot.
  9. What problem are you having exactly?
  10. I totally agree with you Goodwin, I loved when games were silly retarded hard, like the first Mario game or very old RPGs.
  11. It's pretty big, but once you're done, I can hook you up with the simple installer to Dayz.
  12. The free version sadly doesn't work with Dayz, as far as I know. You need Combined Operations (Arma 2 + Operation Arrowhead). It's really worth the buy though, it's 30$, but i've never seen a game like this, ever. If you guys wanna play, we should totally party up. We can hit the airfield and the military bases and get some sweet ass military weapons.
  13. Yeah, you got basically 3 formats for milk. You got the giant ass bags, which are usually for families. Then you got the 2L carton (Pinte), and the 1L carton. It's not actually one giant ass bag full of milk, inside the bag you have smaller bags which you usually cut the corner of and put in a pitcher to pour from. We drink a lot of milk, yes.
  14. I already play, i've been to most interesting locations, but I still have a lot to explore. I already have a gang I run with, but i'd love to play with 1st MRB people, and I can help people get started. Also, the ballistics are awesome.
  15. I'm not too much into British TV, but I did like Black Adder and I absolutely love the debates in the house of Commons. You'll see, England is great. It's not what one expects, but then again I knew not to expect what I expected, if that makes sense. But the history, architecture, the lifestyle is great. Food is great, don't listen to anyone who tells you otherwise, ale is amazing and the girls aren't ugly at all (though a bit reserved I found). Go to as many museums as possible, they are free (Though leave a donation!) and amazing, especially the British Museum, I could have spent my life in there and it wouldn't have been enough. If you need some more pointers as to what to visit where, i'll be happy to oblige.
  16. Woooot. Awesome, i'm sure everyone will enjoy the month of no weapon restrictions . That semi mythical goal has been reached. Next, we assault the gates of heaven and sit on god's chair.
  17. Happy Memorial day from Canada! We do not forget our brothers from the south at the side of whom we've bled so much!
  18. Good work Progenitor, with you at our side, we can perhaps defeat the indo-chinese population boom. Seriously though, amazing, i'm happy for you man!
  19. That's pretty fucking amazing man. Stone cold.
  20. Happy birthday guys! And Jank, get back from Germany and come play with us !
  21. Peaker

    Diablo 3

    I can have some as well, my friends have 6 they don't know what to do with, I can probably get 3 of those. If Coogan runs through all of his, i'll be on hand to supply some.
  22. Peaker

    Diablo 3

    I think i've just reduced the life expectancy of my ctrl and v keys by 50%.
  23. Peaker

    Diablo 3

    Chelomo#1689 Why not simply "The Syndicate", or "Syndicate"?
  24. Cutts, you're officially my favorite recruit of the hour.
  25. Pub food in England is awesome, it's cheap and delicious. You often can get a beer with any meal for a negligible price. (And drinking age is 18 there) Other than that, there's this small place downtown, though I can't for the life of me remember what it's called. They make awesome fish and chips, and great Pimm's too! (Pimm's a cocktail). You'll find that food in England is more comforting than gourmet, but I never found any truth to the rumors that it's bad. Mint sauce is delicious! Oh, and try cask (or warm) ale when you're there, if you've never had any.
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