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Distinguished Civilian
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Everything posted by Peaker

  1. Well, i'll respectfully disagree there, but I don't want to turn the thread into a debate. However, i'd love to hear what you have to say on the matter, i'll add you on steam if you care to continue this conversation.
  2. There are spoiled kids and there are terrible parents. Not every kid is like that, and not every parent is a saint. It's a common mistake to say the newer generations are no good. They were saying that during ancient Greece as well, so it's hardly new. That said, this is hilarious.
  3. Interesting, thank you for that, I daresay it will be very useful... *creepy stare*
  4. Yes, so did I haha.
  5. Proud canadians unite!
  6. If you need military music from different countries, i'm your man. I figured that if it's going to be a video about WW2, might as well offer some of these: Russia/Soviet Union: American (With a confederate song I know, but the civil war determined that the confederates were part of the USA ): Canadian!: German: And even Serbian for our dear Jankovski :
  7. That's because you're not British, Canadian, Australian or Indian Bickford .
  8. It's a satire, it should be taken as such. Excellent movies have been made that distort the perception around serial killers (Natural Born Killers being a most proeminent example). It's very obviously tongue in cheek and a critique of modern american society.
  9. Peaker


    I like some ICP music, but I despise their fanhood in general. Also fuck, I didn't know it was a girl until like 2 mins into the video. Holy crap. Do you think we could roll her and use her as a giant soccer ball? Goddamn. No disrespect against people who have excesses of weight, but this is frigging pathethic. Though i'm certain I wouldn't stand a chance against her highly perfected ninjutsu moves, or her high skill with her bike handlebar. Though she'd most likely choke me to death with her gasses.
  10. If you need a screenwriter, writer or whatever, I can help you out in my free time. I used to study cinema in college and i've written my share of scripts and storyboards. I like to think i'm also a decent writer. Just hit me up with a feeling of what you want.
  11. Peaker


    Yeah Al-Jefri, it's Kingston, Ontario. Pretty nice place i'm told.
  12. Peaker


    So i'm just back from submiting my application for the canadian ROTP (Regular Officer Training Plan), and goddamn i'm stressed as hell, but also very very excited. I'll be competing against the entire nation to win a subsidized education at the Royal Military College of Kingston (the only military university in Canada, though i'll be spending a year at CMR St-Jean to get my 12th grade, Quebec High Schools have only 11 grades), and a commission as an officer in the Canadian forces. I applied for Artillery, Infantry and Armor, I want to be in a combat arm, though i'm aiming at intelligence work later in my career (You have to earn some stripes before you can hope to get into the intelligence branch). I'll have news over the next week or two, and then it's on to the written exam, physical and the interview, which is worth more than 70% of the entry requirements. So yeah, i'm going a little crazy right now, and handling it like a man should: I poured myself a drink . Love you all, thanks for listening to my little news flash.
  13. I am a proud crab cake enthusiast, Applejack is best crab cake.
  14. Peaker

    i love you all

    Yep. No unit love unless Zahl gets his lovin first.
  15. Peaker

    Evil Elf

    Pretty awesome bro!
  16. Peaker

    Goodbye Folks

    You go ahead and follow your dreams! I hope everything goes well for you, even though we didn't get much chance to talk, i'll be looking forward to hearing about your adventures when you come back, we'll keep the fire burning while you're out .
  17. Merci à tous/Thank you everyone for the good wishes, one year closer to my demise, I love you all, thanks for the man pic btw Berg, it's doing things to my imagination I can't repeat in polite company. Warren, that was a lame pun, but I love you anyway .
  18. Peaker

    Who Would Win?

    Yeah, they both replenish their forces with the other's deaths. I think it would be the tyranids though, because their overmind has psychic powers that block psychic communication, along with being larger than a zerg overmind and probably more powerful. A draw is another possible outcome. /geek
  19. a lustful samba, their scales rubbing against each other following the...
  20. it was casual strap-on friday at...
  21. and the colors of space, with Stone staring dreamily across multiple...
  22. That's all there is to say, awesome speech.
  23. sweet and tender loving, though he does wonder why Engle... (Also, since when did I become the main protagonist of this story!?)
  24. I like that idea, I had the very same a few days ago and was mulling over it. Of course, as Maines says, it shouldn't take DoD's place, but we can manage something for those who are interested, maybe something like, make your own team of 4, then we can run either scavenge and the score is the amount of cans we get, and we can keep a track of it.
  25. full of skanks, amongst them Stone...
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