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M. Johnson 1st MRB

Retired 1st MRB
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Everything posted by M. Johnson 1st MRB

  1. wow. that is one powerful speech, very relevant even today!
  2. Sorry to jump in here but, i had this problem the other day. Do you get any servers showing in the server history/friends tab? Have you double checked your server filters? I know something like that is trivial, but it could cause the problem. I had it for a couple of days and it seemed to rectify itself, although I'm on a mac.
  3. Full Name: Matthew Carl Johnson Age: 23 Location: Northampton, England Occupation:Youth Worker and Project and Events Manager Favorite activity or hobby: DJ'ing! nothing like dropping a tune that gets people dancing! Special talent: I play most instruments Favorite alcoholic beverage: JAGERRR 3 Favorite movies: 1. Garden State 2. Donnie Darko 3. Weirdsville 3 Favorite bands or musicians: 1. The Wonder Years 2. Set Your Goals 3. Defeater 3 Favorite songs: 1. Washington Square Park - The Wonder Years 2. New Slang - The Shins 3. Heartbeats - Jose Gonezalez 3 Favorite foods: 1. cheeeeeeeese! 2. any soya product 3. roast parsnips
  4. maybe run a L4D2 night? to see if theres enough interest from people to run a competion. I'll defo be up for this though.
  5. I like hollywood undead.... but. a whole thread dedicated to them? awful idea. I like hollywood undead.... but. a whole thread dedicated to them? awful idea.
  6. The who is a good choice! although, their music reminds me of david caruso. YEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!
  7. they are actually supposed to be making a kid friendly version of this book!
  8. it's impossible to tell. but I think it's impossible for one to physically do something without the co-operation of the other.... like they each have control of half of their body.
  9. legally two people. walts, it's not gross at all. It's not like they had a choice in the matter, and when it comes down to it they're people too, and they're living as much a normal life they can get. It's inspiring in the fact that they have to deal with everyday things together as a team in a sense, and then they have to deal with the unwanted 'attention' they must recieve too.
  10. would if I could see it! haha. I love blink, the album is a great comeback by them though.
  11. awesome video!
  12. Happy birthday bro!
  13. obvious fake is obvious.... mmm tasty.
  14. http://procatinator.com/ simply amazing.
  15. I may or may not have dressed as a banana, for this ANDREW WK show.... if you're wondering why theres so many banana themed things in this picture.. it's cause he loves bananas.
  16. proof that hans zimmer is a genius....
  17. so many different dubstep artists I like out there at the moment! but this one stands out in particular.... on a sidenote, doctor p and flux pavillion are from my hometown!
  18. i much prefer this score. but JOHN WILLIAMS IS THE MAN!
  19. katie perry elmo gif. BEST GIF ON THE INTERNET!
  20. I forgot to mention i play on a mac. so I am limited to certain games I can play, otherwise I would Takel. thinking about it, I proberly wont find anyone to trade with for it, and seeing as you guys were the first to ask, and i'm sure i've heard both of you talk about the game at some point, i'll just give it to you both! it didnt cost me much anyway!
  21. i'll add you up on steam? and team up with you if you want the only thing I dont like is the class system, some have huge advantages to the others!
  22. Anyone play this game at all? it's a really good team based game, where you have to have a good squad to win, espicially commander wise. I got the four pack, so if anyone wants to trade any games for a copy then I'd be happy to do that!
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